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Project Archive


LegalDAO is a DAO that aims to uphold justice and order for the Web3.0. LegalDAO is a DAO that brings global lawyers and enthusiastic participants together. LegalDAO’s missions are to perfect the legal framework, make rules, establish industrial standards, help resolve disputes, most importantly, build a protocol for the decentralized self-regulation of the decentralized world, and ultimately uphold order and justice for Web 3.0. The four missions of the LegalDAO are to build “World Law Firm” for Web3, “World SEC” for Web3, “World Arbitral Institution” for Web3, “Batman” for Web3. LegalDAO 是一个 Web3.0 法律人及其他热情参与者联合的组织。LegalDAO 旨在联合 Web3.0 世界向善的力量,完善法律体系,制定规则,建立行业标准,协助解决纠纷,一起构建去中心化世界自我治理的范式,维护 Web3.0 世界的正义与秩序。LegalDAO 致力于建设 Web3.0 的世界律所,Web3.0 的证监会,Web3.0 的世界仲裁庭以及 Web3.0 的蝙蝠侠。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon


The underlying layer built with MPC (multi-party computation) technology and zero knowledge is a de-trusted network, the private key is not generated on the user side and no one owns the private key, decentralized de-trusted nodes store part of the information and privacy exists between nodes, which is different from Multsign and all non-custodial type wallets, and its underlying paradigm builds an extremely secure information Confidentiality system, upper layer decentralized applications can easily and easily build asset management system based on this wallet. 以 MPC(multi-party computation)技术以及零知识构建的底层为去信任化网络,私钥不在用户侧生成,也没有人拥有私钥,去中心化去信任化节点存储部分信息,节点之间有隐私存在,区别于 Multsign 以及所有非托管类钱包,其底层范式构建极度安全的信息保密体系,上层去中心化应用可基于该钱包轻松简易构建资产管理系统
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon

Web3_ Analytics

Web3 Analytics is the first one-stop Web3 data service center designed for the next generation Internet, Web3.0. For data validation, production, analysis, trading, and data support for other Web3 applications. W3A is also a Web3 Foundation grants program. Features: -Zero-code tools Query & Analyze data without coding. W3A wraps the SQL language into visual UI graphics. You can query and process data, turn results into graphical charts, and even construct an analytics dashboard with a few clicks. -Own your data & creation. You own anything you create, including dashboards, reports, and data. Your ownerships are digitally certified with NFTs in your wallet. -Data and decentralized finance. The data is scored accordingly by the referrer of the data and the number of references, and Token incentives are given to users who provide the data according to their scores. Web3 Analytics 的用户可以无需代码查询并分析处理数据,而结果可直接转换为图形、图表,甚至只需几次点击就可以构建一个数据分析仪表板。 Web3 Analytics 还引入了代币经济学模型及 DataFi,使得用户拥有其数据所有权和控制权,并可将其货币化,创建了一个面向数据创造者的经济系统。 同时,W3A 也是 Web3 基金会 Grant 资助项目之一。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon


Cluster3 is a platform for creators and their true fans to build NFT-based creator economy. 1. Connecting true fans through NFT-based memberships We help creators create NFT-based memberships and set a variety of entry thresholds. Turn community into social capital, Cluster 3 takes all. 2. Tokenize your content with NFTs, switching from content creator to community asset issuer. Turn pictures, videos, web links, pdfs or 3D types into NFT, and make your content exclusive to your community. 3. Be the independent platform Independent domain, fully owned by the communities and creators. Build your own creator economy. Cluster3 提供两个核心功能:基于 NFT 的社群身份管理与基于 social token 的社群激励发行。 1. 通过基于 NFT 的会员资格连接真正的粉丝 我们帮助创作者创建基于 NFT 的会员资格并设置各种进入门槛,将社区转变为社交资本。 2. 使用 NFT Tokenize Web2 平台的内容,从内容创建者转换为社区资产发行方 将图片、视频、网络链接、pdf 或 3D 类型转换为 NFT,并使您的内容专属于您的社区。 3.成为独立的平台 独立域名,完全归社区和创作者所有,建立自己的创造者经济。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon


MappingFunk, a decentralized marketplace for interest-bearing assets Helping web3-native interest-bearing assets (especially in early markets) achieve price discovery & real-time trading & perfect hedging Core Usecases i)Help PoW miners to swap and hedge their positions ($36B mining revenue in 2021 for instance, bridging DeFi, can triple the TVL) ii)Enable protocols raise cryptos with value-captured bonds or tokens and fully mitigate the impermanent loss for liquidity providers iii)Bridge crypto-native and traditional finance, all asset classes accessible in one DApp, (similar protocols like Synthetix & Mirror can only acquire price exposure, but not cash flow, and cannot be appllied to early market without price oracle) 帮助生息资产(尤其是在早期的非充分有效的加密原生市场中)达成价格发现、提升交易效率、创建衍生品工具 核心应用场景 i)帮PoW矿工轻松实现换仓、交易、对冲 ii)帮加密原生的项目进行债券或有价值捕获的代币融资 iii)通过一个 DApp 可投资全球所有资产,打通加密金融和传统金融
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon


Babel is an AI-based personal information collection and summary assistant that integrates info (including tweets, group chats, etc.) from various public and private domain channels or platforms, identifies and categorizes them by topic (such as crypto, NFT, Alpha project, etc.), find key information through NLP technology and summarize. So Babel help us quickly identify high-value information, not only improve the signal-to-noise ratio, but also greatly improve the information density. At the same time, for individuals, the summaries come entirely from their own information sources, and they are all original by AI, so they also bring the value of secondary communication. Babel will also upload the summary algorithm to the chain, allowing the summary algorithm to be held by each user. Babel 是个基于人工智能的个人专属情报收集及总结助理,将各种公域、私域渠道或平台的信息(包括推文、群聊等)进行整合,并按话题进行识别分类(如 crypto、NFT、Alpha 项目等),通过 NLP 技术识别关键信息并进行提炼总结,从而帮助快速识别高价值信息,不仅提升了信噪比,也大幅提升了信息密度。同时对个人而言,总结完全来自于自己的情报源,且均为 AI 原创,因此也带来了二级传播的价值。Babel 也将把总结算法部署到链上,让总结算法被每个用户自己持有。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon


ShineX is a Social2Earn protocol. Users who installed our browser plug-in, can get token as rewards with actions such as liking/commenting/forwarding on Web2 platform. By using IP as the dimension, we will collect data in Web2 and convert it into the IP of the Web3 crypto community, and issue NFT through the team. Users can regard ShineX's token as a reward for distribution and creation; it also able to carry the function of community governance, and users can empower and pledge their favorite IP by ShineX’s tokens. As a protocol layer solution, ShineX will support more DAPP to access our related services by ShineX’s token. Click here to learn more: ShineX 是一个 Social2Earn 协议,用户安装我们的浏览器插件就可以在传统 Web2 的平台上通过点赞/评论/转发等操作获得通证奖励。我们会把 Web2 的数据以 IP 为维度聚合起来,转化为 Web3 crypto 社区的 IP,通过团队发行 NFT。用户可以将 ShineX 的通证视作传播与创作行为的奖励通证;它也能够承载社区治理的功能,用户能够通过通证为喜欢的 IP 赋能质押;作为协议层,未来 ShineX 也支持更多的 DAPP 用通证获取我们的相关服务。 了解更多:
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon


The DID & name card focus on the web3 buidlers. When considering about the grand vision of constructing DeSoc based on Blockchain, NonceGeekDAO believes that creating DID & Verifiable Credential for Builder groups and the on chain SoulCard which can represent the buidler souls in ethnic groups(DAOs) are the most important first step. 当考虑到未来基于区块链构建分布式社会的需求,NonceGeekDAO 相信,构建面向Buidler 群体的数字身份及可信凭证,以及可以展现身处于族群(DAO)中的 buidler 灵魂的名片是最重要的第一步。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon


MapNova is a crowdsourcing high-definition map project powered by web3.0. Our goal is to create the world's first full-coverage HD map, enabling faster and safer arrival of autonomous driving above L3. Using the web3.0 native economic system, MapNova allows users to drive, collect data, and earn money while maximizing the coverage and update frequency of HD maps. MapNova 是一个由 web3.0 赋能的高精度地图众包项目。利用 web3.0 原生的经济系统,MapNova 可以让用户可以一边开车、一边采集数据、一边赚钱,最大程度的提高高精度地图的覆盖广度和更新频率。传统的标清地图,是几乎中心化生意的运行方式,公司和员工是雇佣关系,公司背后的资本获取最多和最长远的收益。 MapNova 在尝试改变生产关系,让人们变成地图的拥有者。数据归采集者所有,不管是广告公司,汽车公司,还是自动驾驶公司想要使用地图数据,都需要向采集者付费。因为极大的工作量与高更新频率需求,高精度地图天生不能以中心化的方式进行生产,所以众包是最好的选择。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon

0xcreator_ labs

Creators of paid content face two main challenges in monetization: weak bargaining power versus the big platforms and the lack of direct relationships with their audience; and no effective mechanism for distributing and syndicating their content, as reflected in the limited number of consumers they can reach and the low conversion rate. At 0xCreator Labs, we set out to provide a tool that allows creators to depict their content as "copyright NFT" (c-NFT) and define content access using multiple copies of "reading NFT" (r-NFT). We aim to create the infrastructure on which creators can sell r-NFTs to content consumers through various open channels (i.e. dApps). Readers can only access the token-gated content if they hold the correspondent rNFT. In the future, we envisage developing a content marketplace and an economic system to facilitate higher efficiency in distributing and syndicating paid content. Eventually, creators can circumvent the dominating platforms while achieving a higher level of independence and more effective monetization. 目前,付费内容的创作者主要面临两个变现难题:相对于大平台来说,议价权较弱,直接拥有的用户数据较少;除了自身流量之外,他们缺乏好的内容售卖和分发机制,可触达的用户体量和转化率都有限。因此 0xCreator Labs 决定提供这样一个工具:创作者可以将自己内容的版权铸造为 cNFT;将自己的内容的阅读权限铸造为多份 reading NFT,并通过各种开放渠道将 rNFT 售卖给读者,只有持有了 rNFT,才能看到对应内容原文。在未来,我们会开发相应的内容交易市场,通过相应的经济模型,进一步提高付费内容的分发效率。最终,创作者可以绕开大平台,发行真正属于自己的付费内容,并获得较好销量。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon


MetaMail ( is a Web3 email service provider, users can get their email addresses as '''' or ''''. MetaMail is compatible with traditional email providers such as Gmail. In MetaMail, users can use digital signatures and End-to-end encryption to ensure the security of emails. All features of MetaMail are free and without gas fee. Welcome to use MetaMail! MetaMail (是一款 Web3 邮箱,用户可以获得自己 地址 或者 的邮箱地址,MetaMail 邮箱兼容普通邮箱如 Gmail,用户可以使用数字签名与端到端加密来确保邮件安全,并且所有的功能都是免费的不需要 gas fee。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
Infra is a modular web3 community contribution infrastructure. Through modular task tools and in-DAO contribution NFT (SBT), it forms a personal contribution data layer on chain, encourages community members to participate in community construction, and increases the influence of the community. 是一个模块化的 web3 社区贡献基础设施,通过模块化的任务工具与 DAO 内贡献NFT(SBT),形成个人链上贡献数据层,激励社区成员参与到社区建设,提升社区的影响力。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon