
Build a Counter on Solana

In the following chapters, we will together complete a simple yet practical counter project.

Skill LevelBeginner
Total Length1.5h

Intended Learners

Who’s This Course For

  • For developers who are interested in the Solana ecosystem


  • Basic understanding of Rust and Anchor framework is recommended - At least completed the four foundational courses: Solana Basic Concepts, Rust Basic Concepts, Solana Program Development, and Introduction to Anchor Framework
  • No Solana development experience is needed- this course contains the simplest and most basic procedures

What You’ll Learn

  • Writing a project to implement a simple counter using Rust and Anchor.
  • How to configure a project, claim SOL, and get your counter on-chain in Solana Playground.


  • Unit 0 - Course Intro

    Introduction to Counter

  • Unit 1 - Initialization of On-Chain Programs

    In this chapter, we will configure the initialization of on-chain programs.

  • Unit 2 - Account Structure Definition

    In this chapter, we will define the basic data structure required for Counter.

  • Unit 3 - initialize(1)

    In this chapter, we will implement the initialization of the counter, focusing primarily on data definition.

  • Unit 4 - initialize(2)

    In this chapter, we will implement the initialization of the counter, focusing primarily on the implementation of its function.

  • Unit 5 - Increment(1)

    In this chapter, we will learn about the data definition in the counter increment logic.

  • Unit 6 - Increment(2)

    In this chapter, we will learn about the function implementation in the counter increment logic.

  • Unit 7 - Interaction

    In this chapter, we will implement the deployment of Counter on Solana.


Build a Counter on Solana

28 lessons
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