
NFT Marketplace - Part 2

In Part 2 of the NFT Marketplace course, we will complete the NFT marketplace with the last buy function.

Skill LevelBeginner
Total Length1.7h

Intended Learners

Who’s This Course For

  • Developers who are interested in NFT transactions and market dynamics.
  • Developers who want to learn how to build and manage an NFT marketplace.


  • Proficient in NFTs and the ERC721 standard.
  • Basic Solidity programming skills, with a recommendation to first complete foundational Solidity courses (at least Solidity 101 to 104)
  • Possess an Ethereum account, connected to both Mantle and a wallet, holding either Mantle tokens or test tokens (for those wishing to perform real on-chain operations, though deployment can also be done directly in a local environment if test tokens are not available)
  • Completed the content for course NFT Marketplace - 1

What You’ll Learn

  • Continuing to implement core functionalities of the NFT Marketplace - purchasing NFTs and canceling orders.
  • How to use a wallet to initiate transactions, get your project on-chain, and view relevant information.


  • BuyNFT - Section 1

    In this section, we will begin implementing the first part of the 'buyNFT' function, focusing on the process of purchasing an NFT from the marketplace.

  • BuyNFT - Section 2

    Continuing from Part 1, this section will cover the remaining steps of the 'buyNFT' function: transferring the NFT, transferring money to the seller, deleting listed product information, and submitting the 'OrderBought' event.

  • CancelOrder - Section 1

    Here, we will start implementing the 'CancelOrder' functionality, which allows users to remove their NFTs from the marketplace.

  • CancelOrder - Section 2

    This section completes the implementation of the 'CancelOrder' functionality, ensuring that NFTs can be effectively and securely removed from the market listings.


NFT Marketplace - Part 2

21 lessons
Access on mobile and desktop