A decentralized, censorship-resistant chat app on EduChain, where messages are stored on-chain for transparency and immutability. Built with Solidity and React.js for seamless Web3 communication.
Blockchain Chat is a fully decentralized messaging platform built on EduChain, ensuring censorship resistance and transparency. Users can send and retrieve messages stored on-chain, making communication immutable and verifiable. The app showcases gas-optimized smart contracts, a Web3-friendly UI, and potential encryption for privacy.
💬 On-Chain Messaging – Messages are permanently stored on EduChain.
🔒 Censorship-Resistant – No central authority can delete or alter messages.
🚀 Gas-Optimized – Efficient smart contract design to reduce costs.
🌐 Web3 UI/UX – Seamless user experience with React.js & MetaMask.
🔐 Privacy-Ready (Future Scope) – Potential encryption for secure communication.