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Number Guessing Game Smart Contract

This is a simple Number Guessing Game smart contract written in Solidity. Players can participate in the game by guessing a randomly generated number between 1 and 100 and win prize money if they win.



Number Guessing Game Smart Contract

This is a simple Number Guessing Game smart contract written in Solidity. Players can participate in the game by guessing a randomly generated number between 1 and 100. If they guess the correct number, they win a prize (1 Ether). This contract is deployed on EduChain.

Deployed Contract Address

The smart contract is deployed on EduChain at the following address:


Features of the Guessing Game

  • Start Game: Any user can start the game by sending Ether to the contract. The game is initiated and the random number is generated.

  • Guessing: Players can make guesses by calling the guessNumber() function. The guess must be between 1 and 100.

  • Prize Distribution: If a player's guess matches the randomly generated number, they win the prize (1 Ether) and the game is reset.

  • Prize Pool: Users can view the current prize pool with the getPrizePool() function.

  • Winner Info: The winner’s address can be accessed using the getWinner() function.

How to Interact with the Contract

  1. Start the Game:

    • Call the startGame() function and send Ether to initiate the game.

  2. Make a Guess:

    • Call the guessNumber() function with a number between 1 and 100 as the guess. The correct guess wins the prize.

  3. View Current Status:

    • Use the getPrizePool() function to see the current prize pool.

    • Use the getWinner() function to see who the last winner was.

Smart Contract Functions

  • startGame(): Starts the game and accepts Ether to fund the prize pool.

  • guessNumber(uint256 _guess): Allows a user to guess the number. If correct, they win the prize.

  • getPrizePool(): Returns the current prize pool balance.

  • getWinner(): Returns the address of the last winner.

  • receive(): A fallback function to handle unexpected Ether transactions.

Example of Interacting with the Contract

  1. Start a new game (send 1 Ether or more):

    • Call startGame() from your wallet or a DApp interface (e.g., Remix, Ethers.js).

  2. Make a guess (between 1 and 100):

    • Call guessNumber() with your chosen number.

  3. Check the prize pool and winner:

    • Call getPrizePool() to check how much is in the prize pool.

    • Call getWinner() to see who won the last game.


  • Solidity Version: 0.8.0 or higher.

  • Ethereum-based Network: This contract is deployed on EduChain.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.


Please note that this contract uses basic pseudo-random number generation based on block.timestamp and block.difficulty. This is not suitable for production use or high-stakes games. For more secure random number generation, consider using services like Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function).

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