Building onchain RPG mechanisms templates for traditional game dev to make their own onchain adaptable RPGs.
As onchain protocols, we build open source onchain RPG templates. For this hackathon, we build games to validate our assumptions of onchain RPGs.
#1 Onchain Game: we build standardized onchain RPG mechanisms
- move(), build(), create(), stake(), claim(), unstake(), craft(), attack(), change_terrain(), etc
- players can move around on the map and perform these mechanisms.
- all activities are performed onchain
- now deployed on mantle testnet & ready to play
#2 AI agents: we provide a standardized strategy/action interface for AI agents
- players can chat with eliza powered ai agents and convince them to carry out strategies, such as following the player, claiming farmed resources, and attacking nearby enemies
#3 Composability: all resources & characters are erc20 & erc721 compatible
- players can import & export resources from the game
- players can import NFT to display items & characters accordingly
Progress During Hackathon
Smart contract: we use mud onchain engine which simplifies the creation of diamond proxy pattern. clientside: mud + react + phaser vercel
Fundraising Status