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Autochessia.xyz is an open-source, fully on-chain autobattler game where players can purchase pieces and let them battle automatically. We recently deployed a new test version on Altlayer which generated over 20,000 transactions in 15 days, utilizing optimistic updates to greatly optimize the gaming experience and make it closer to the fluidity of web2 games. We implemented private matchmaking rooms with zero-knowledge proof. Players can freely match and participate in fully automated battle logic, and enjoy rich alliance systems. Planned features include on-chain skills, items, and a RPG map editor on the blockchain. Autochessia.xyz 是一款开源且完全链上化的自走棋游戏,玩家可以购买棋子并让他们自动战斗。我们最近在 Altlayer 部署了新测试版本,在15天内就产生了超过 2 万笔交易,利用乐观更新极大地优化了游戏体验,让其更接近 web2 游戏的流畅度。我们利用零知识证明实现了私人匹配房间,游戏内玩家可以自由匹配参与全自动的战斗逻辑,还包括丰富的羁绊系统。未来我们计划新增链上技能、道具,以及开发链上 RPG 地图编辑器。



Autochessia 是一款基于 MUD 并且完全开源的链上自走棋游戏。
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