Chains of the Eternals
Chains of The Eternals is the first open world MMORPG in DeFi. Our goal is to revolutionize the GameFi space by giving players a true gaming experience in a techno fantasy world. Our game is entirely hosted on the blockchain, meaning there are no centralized entities involved. Our inspiration comes from some of the greats like Dofus, Cross Gate, and World of Warcraft. We've taken the best elements from these predecessors to create something special that we think players will truly enjoy in the world of online gaming and DeFi. Chains Of The Eternals 是 DeFi 领域中的首款开放世界多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)。我们的目标是通过在科技幻想世界中为玩家提供真正的游戏体验来彻底改革 GameFi 领域。我们的游戏完全托管在区块链上,意味着没有中央实体参与。 我们的灵感来自于一些伟大的作品,如 Dofus、Cross Gate 和 World of Warcraft。我们从这些前辈中汲取了最出色的元素,创造出了一款独特的游戏,我们相信玩家会真正喜爱这个结合在线游戏与 DeFi 的世界。#Translated by GPT