Genki Cats is the fully on-chain mobile game based on the MUD engine. Players can play with their on-chain cats through iOS, Android, Web, and Telegram bots. They can merge items and earn rich on-chain rewards. The creative dual wallet system and gas fee-free mechanism ensure an equal experience with Web2 games while maintaining the decentralization and permanence of the game. 元气猫咪是首个基于 MUD 引擎的移动端全链游戏。玩家可以通过 iOS, 安卓, Web 端以及 Telegram 机器人与他们的链上猫咪进行互动。他们可以合并道具并获得丰厚的链上奖励。创新的双钱包系统和 0 Gas 费机制在实现了与Web2 游戏相当的体验的同时,也保持了游戏去中心化的特性。