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Henry hub

A hub to explore and get familiar with web3 easily in a fun way.



Welcome to Henry Hub
An easy-to-use Dapp built on Mantle Sepolia testnet, aimed at introducing newcomers to Web3 in a fun and engaging way.

Key Features

  1. Explore various Dapps to become familiar with Web3
  2. Currently, only the first and second Dapps are functional

How It Works

First Dapp: Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

  1. After successful wallet connection, users can choose a game type and set a stake amount to create a game
  2. A game ID will be generated; users can check the history tab to see a list of active game IDs and their status
  3. Users can share the game ID with other Dapp users
  4. Each participant can select rock, paper, or scissors
  5. The smart contract will determine the winner
  6. The winner will be credited the stake amount

Second Dapp: Henry Hub ID Verify

  1. After successful wallet connection, users will receive a prompt form requesting their ID information
  2. Users fill in the necessary information and upload a passport photograph, after which an ID will be generated
  3. Users can Save the QR code of the ID, Flip the digital ID card to view its appearance and Make a payment to publish the ID card
  4. When users click the pay button, a pop-up will appear to select the chain and token
  5. Users need to confirm the exact amount and token required by the organization admin
  6. Users can then input the required details and follow the prompt to make payment via credit card or another wallet

We Are Working on the Remaining Dapps

How It Is Made

First Dapp: Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
The application is structured as follows:

  • Frontend: Built with Next.js, utilizing React for the UI and Wagmi for Ethereum interactions
  • Smart Contracts: Game logic implemented in Solidity, ensuring secure and transparent gameplay
  • Blockchain: All game states and transactions recorded on the Ethereum MantleSepolia network

Key Components

  • Smart Contract: rps.sol - Contains game logic, including game creation, joining, and move handling by utilizing OpenZeppelin contracts
  • Frontend Pages: Homepage, game creation and joining interface, game history
  • Components: Create Game, Join Game, Game Interface

Second Dapp: Henry Hub ID Verify

  • Viem & Wagmi for wallet connection
  • Uploadthing for asset uploads
  • React Card Flip to flip the digital ID card
  • React QR Code to generate QR codes
  • Thirdweb for payments

Summary of Features

  • Thirdweb SDK Integration: Utilizes the powerful Thirdweb SDK for secure and fast payments for ID
  • Multi-Chain Support: Supports multiple EVM-compatible chains
  • Real-time Transaction Tracking: Offers live updates on transfer status
  • Identity verification and payment options to publish the ID

Smart Contract link:  https://sepolia.mantlescan.xyz/address/0xf7cf71d2418eca0d28b00fbf2f31d904e609a54e

X post link:  https://x.com/Jwafo_tweet/status/1869386678944838103

Demo link:  https://youtu.be/BHAsTFF4huM

Progress During Hackathon

1. Team meeting to discuss the hackathon theme and tracks available 2. We made research and go through mantle docs to understand what mantle is all about and projects that can favor the ecosystem 3. We decided to build simple and easy-to-use dapps(Real-estate solution, voting solution, ID verify solution RPS game, etc) 4. We drafted out the flow chat for the dapps while some other members are writing the smart contract 6. After we concluded on the features. Each devs in the team completed their task and we merge and deploy using a new repo because we had tech issues with the initial repo.


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