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magipop DAO wanna be a decentralized Marvel in Web3. magipop's first co-created sci-fi IP, 140,000-word visual novel, Bubble Observers, will soon be serialized and renewed in various channels. The physical book will be available in the China mainland market in early July, with celebrity recommendations from Luo Jinhai, Zhou Siyi, Lin Chao, Stanley Chen Qiufan, Hao Jingfang. Two Twitter accounts "@magipop_dao" and "@BubbleObservers" reached 10K+ fans in one week. Discord community reached 10k+ members. Besides, magipop is cooperating with various overseas design brands, web2.0, and web3.0 projects such as TIBI, Tmall IP Mart, JUNPING, F996, Sad Frog, HiPanda. The project also received multiple crypto fund commitment. magipop 是一个旨在成为 “web3 漫威” 的 creator DAO,期待在 web3 孵化好的 IP 、探索新的商业模式。经过 6 个月时间发展,magipop 有 100 余个核心创作者,比如著名科幻作家陈楸帆;1 万多个 DAO 成员 ;10 余个 Ecosystem Partners ,包括 STEPN 的 Jerry,RSS3 的 Joshua 等;官方媒体共计 25k Followers;第一次公开共创 ‘Earth2026’ 参与人数过万, magipop 从 0 到 1 孵化的第一个 IP 为 Bubble Observers,目前已与时代华语合作拟 7 月初出版发售 14 万字图书,该书受到了郝景芳、所长林超、陈楸帆、罗金海、周思益等大咖的推荐;海外线上持续连载更新视觉小说和视觉、互动游戏内容。


通过创作者 DAO 的形式共创、共有、共同变现IP。
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