It aims to reduce response times in stray animal rescue by leveraging blockchain to create a stake and reward system.
Initial Token Allocation: Each new user is given 5 ERC20 staking tokens upon joining the platform, which they can use to participate in the animal rescue system.
Issuing a Rescue Request: Users can issue a rescue request by staking their tokens, which triggers the rescue operation and ensures the request is taken seriously.
Reward for Successful Rescues: If the animal is rescued successfully and in a timely manner, the user is rewarded with additional tokens, incentivizing the reporting of genuine emergencies.
Deterrence of False Issues: Staking tokens helps prevent false rescue requests, as users have a vested interest in only reporting genuine emergencies to avoid losing their staked tokens.
Accountability Mechanism: If the animal is not rescued in time, the staked tokens are rewarded to the user, highlighting the driver’s negligence to higher authorities and ensuring accountability within the rescue operations.