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Onboard newbies to web3.



It can be overwhelming and boring to invite new people to the crypto space. Slinea is a game that helps newbies become familiar with web3 easily. Slinea is the project of an implementation of the RPS(ROCK, PAPER and SCISSORS) game on linea.

Progress During Hackathon

1. Hoepeyemi did research on what to build. We had a meeting and concluded to build a game. 2. Hoepeyemi came up with the user flow and features of the game. 3. I came up with the tech architecture and tech tools to use. 4. Hoepeyemi came up with the milestones and sent them to me, I split each milestone for a week delivery. 5. I began the development and we had weekly meetings to test until the game worked. 6. I deployed the game web app.


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