Symposium Lab aims to build the global open science community that levels the playing field for all students, researchers, and scientists by connecting them to an ever-growing network of new discoveries, peer reviews, and ongoing iterations, breaking down the silos established by the traditional publishers and rewarding the hard work that empowers humanity as a whole. Symposium Lab’s product solutions build on the company’s core asset: leveraging the contributions of community members to allow customers to access, integrate, analyze, and manage data and information across organizations more efficiently and effectively. 通过AI与区块链赋能科研预印与去中心化分享数据,Symposium Lab 旨在建立全球开放科学社区,为所有学生、研究人员和科学家提供公平的科研环境,将他们连接到一个不断增长且持续进化的内容创作与同行评审网络,打破由传统出版商垄断格局并奖励推动人类文明进步的科研工作。Symposium Lab 的产品建立在公司的核心资产之上:利用社区成员的贡献,让用户能够更高效地跨组织访问、集成、分析和管理科研相关数据与信息。