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UniAsset is a decentralized trading platform offering Metaverse digital asset securitization service, with a vision to be the leader of Metaverse fixed asset derivative sales & trading market. For the current phase, we are focusing on providing $1 price tracking service to over 2 million retail NFT traders. UniAsset as a platform connects LP and retail traders, offers retails 1:1 price-tracking uNFT (such as uBAYC) trading solutions, and uses the liquidity from LP to conduct AMM (Automated Market Making) to earn liquidity premium and commission fee. Due to the nature of the business, the platform will accumulate positive cash flow very soon after launch and has no risk exposure to various price movements, thus can stably & safely generate revenue regardless of market’s bear or bull. UniAsset 是一家提供元宇宙数字资产证券化服务的去中心化金融交易平台,愿景成为元宇宙固定资产衍生品销售与交易的龙头服务提供商。起步阶段,我们将聚焦于“蓝筹NFT”(如 Azuki、BAYC),为超两百万散户投资者提供一美元追踪蓝筹 NFT 底价的服务。UniAsset 将作为平台撮合 LP 和散户交易者,向散户提供 1:1 追踪蓝筹NFT底价的 uNFT(如 uBAYC)的交易服务,并通过 LP 提供的流动性进行自动做市,赚取流动性溢价与佣金。平台将会在正式运行后迅速积累正现金流且不承担风险敞口,因此不论市场牛熊均可以稳定盈利。


UniAsset,为散户提供一美元交易蓝筹 NFT 的一站式解决方案。
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