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Sodium wallet utilizes ERC-4337, ZK and MPC technology, enabling users to onboard with ease and manage assets with extreme security. Further more, Sodium wallet provide wallet as a service for dapps. Sodium钱包利用零知识证明(ZK)和多方计算(MPC)技术,使用户可以在无需复杂工作流程或加密知识的情况下访问去中心化应用程序(dapps)。 此外,Sodium 钱包还为去中心化应用程序提供钱包作为一项服务。
WASM-Cairo is a Webassembly Infura facility built on Ethereum's second layer, Starknet. It allows Cairo code to run in a browser and no server is needed. This means we can run something like a light Starknet node, a Kakarot EVM, and more apps from the browser without any setup. WASM-Cairo 是一个基于 Webassembly 开发的 Starknet L2 基础设施,使得我们可以在任何地方(本机,后端,以及浏览器)中运行任何由Cairo编写的应用--我们甚至可以在浏览器中运行Kakarot zkEVM 而无需任何配置和硬件/服务器需求。
ChainEye aims to build world-leading free and open-source omnichain analytical tools for retail investors. Users can find interesting opportunities among L1/L2s such as yield farming, trading&lending, NFTs, airdrops, token monitors, DAO governance, etc. We currently support Optimism, Starknet, Arbitrum, and zkSyncEra and will add more Layer1/2 chains in the near future. To support building a thriving ecosystem in layer1/2, RPC List is built as a courtesy for developers/users. ChainEye 旨在为 Web3 散户投资者构建世界领先的免费开源全链分析工具。用户可以利用工具找到有趣的机会,例如流动性挖矿、交易和借贷、非同质化代币(NFT)、空投、代币监测、DAO 治理等。我们目前支持 Optimism、Starknet、Arbitrum 和 zkSyncEra,并将在不久的将来添加更多的一层和二层链。为了支持在一层/二层构建繁荣的生态系统,我们还提供了RPC 列表作为对开发者/用户的一种礼遇。
Metavoice is a Voice-Enabled MetaMask Wallet product, specifically designed with an objective to empower the visually impaired. key features of Metavoice: 1. Voice Command Integration 2. Multilingual Support 3. Intuitive Design Metavoice 是一个带有语音功能的 MetaMask 钱包产品,特别设计出来的目标是为了赋予视力障碍人士权利。我们认识到视力有限或无视力的个体面临的一个重大问题——复杂的界面导航和事务管理对他们来说是艰巨的任务。我们着手创造一个能够为这些个体提供无缝直接访问他们加密钱包的解决方案,而 Metavoice 就是这个努力的结果。 Metavoice 的一些主要特性: 1.语音命令集成 2.多语种支持 3.直观的设计 Metavoice 不仅仅是一个产品,是向一个更包容的未来迈出的一步,一个技术公平服务于每一个人的未来。
We create a prompt marketplace on a decentralized chain, fueled and sustained by Web3 tokenomics. Tokenizing prompts can actualize the potential market. MEGAxis can create a marketplace where prompt engineers can earn tokens for creating and selling high-quality prompts. The better their prompts perform, the more valuable their tokens become. MEGAxis can also use Web3 tokenomics to create a community around the platform. For example, users who hold tokens could be given voting rights on platform decisions, upvote and downvote prompts. 我们在去中心化的链上创建了一个由 Web3 代币经济驱动和维持的提示市场。代币化提示可以实现潜在的市场。MEGAxis 可以创建一个市场,在这个市场上,提示工程师可以通过创建和销售高质量的提示来获得代币。他们的提示表现得越好,他们的代币就越有价值。MEGAxis 还可以使用 Web3 代币经济学来创建围绕平台的社区。例如,持有代币的用户可能会被赋予在平台决策上的投票权,对提示进行赞成和反对投票。(by translation software)
web3 privacy electronic signature, asset and identity carrier. It can be signed in a private manner, and only you can know the content of the contract. We have also created an AI contract generation tool, which can generate the contract you need in one sentence. Plus it's not just signatures. Electronic signatures are the carrier of assets. Essentially what we want to do is create programmable credentials on the chain for real-world assets. This can provide users with identity and asset ownership, freedom, and liquidity. web3 隐私电子签名、资产和身份载体。 能够以隐私方式签署合同,合同内容只有您自己知道。 我们还打造了一款 AI 合约生成工具,一句话就能生成你需要的合约。 另外,这不仅仅是签名。 电子签名是资产的载体。 本质上,我们想要做的是在链上为现实世界的资产创建可编程凭证。 这可以为用户提供身份和资产所有权、自由度和流动性。
We set up a comprehensive standard for measuring the alignment of AI with human ethics, demonstrating the bias level and values of AI models on various issues through rankings, profiling, etc. Everyone can contribute to the Allditors DAO by providing test data, proposing audit issues and methods, etc., and receive NFTs and tokens representing governance and dividend rights, and profit from the financial market built on them. Allditors DAO will be a strong, influential community focused on AI issues. 我们全方位衡量 AI 与人类伦理对齐程度,通过排名、画像等形式展示模型在不同议题的偏见水平、价值观等表现。人们可以通过提供测试数据、提出审计事项和方法贡献、获得 NFT、并在基于此建立的市场获利。
Chain.Food is the first non-profit Dapp in the Ethereum ecosystem (to solve the problem of food waste). Users can access free food information, publish lists and verify their identities through ERC addresses. Use FoodCoin tokens to incentivize users to receive or donate food. Layer2 tokens can be airdropped rewards through sbt obtained by users. 100% transparency of public welfare funds guaranteed on the chain. Chain Food 是以太坊生态系统中第一个非营利性 Dapp(解决食物浪费问题)。 用户可以通过ERC地址获取免费食品信息、发布列表并验证身份。 使用 FoodCoin 代币来激励用户接收或捐赠食物。 Layer2 代币可以通过用户获得的 SBT 进行空投奖励。 链上保障公益资金 100% 透明度。
IZAR is a groundbreaking privacy-preserving interoperability protocol that seamlessly connects the Ethereum and Aleo ecosystems. We offer unparalleled support for heterogeneous chain arbitrary message cross-chain communication. Utilizing advanced zero-knowledge cryptography, IZAR ensures fully private cross-chain transactions while maintaining robust user privacy and security. Additionally, the protocol is designed to incorporate a novel governance model and zkSnark multisig verification to further enhance its capabilities and user trust. IZAR 是开创性的隐私保护互操作性协议,无缝连接以太坊和 Aleo 生态系统。我们为异构链任意消息的跨链通信提供了全面的支持,打通生态之间的流动性,利用行业领先的零知识密码学技术,实现完全私密的跨链交易。此外,该协议还将引入全新的治理模型(1000 个去中心化验证者)和 zkSnark 多签验证,来解决目前跨连桥的中心化问题,进一步提高跨连桥的安全性和用户信任度。
Lumi Finance serves as an investment platform focused on sustainable wealth preservation. By using LUA as collateral, Lumi Finance provides zero liquidation-risk loans with negative interest rates, allowing borrowers to earn yield on their debt. These loans carry no liquidation risk, as the total LUA debt never surpasses the token's floor value (guaranteed minimum value). Borrowers of LUA do not need to pay ongoing fees to liquidity providers, resulting in negative interest. Lumi Finance 是一个专注于持续财富保值的投资平台。 通过使用 LUA 作为抵押品,Lumi Finance 提供了零清算风险且具有负利率的贷款,使得借款人可以在其债务上获得收益。这些贷款没有清算风险,因为 LUA 总债务永远不会超过代币的底价(保证的最低价值)。LUA 的借款人不需要向流动性提供者支付持续的费用而产生负利息。
BitPoW is a Layer 1 blockchain that is the most innovative in the crypto industry after Bitcoin and Ethereum. The project's team has discovered the first useful PoW algorithm, named EcoPoW, which is the directly upgrade of existing PoW with minimal change. BitPoW allows for almost free gas fees, making it a more affordable and accessible option for users. BitPoW is resistant to mining pools, which is more decentralized than Bitcoin. BitPoW 基于第一个有用的工作量证明。在此革新驱动下,公链可以实现超越比特币的去中心化,移除矿池,并给链用户提供无与伦比的低 gas 成本。于此同时,丝毫不会影响区块链的安全性,也不会鼓励挖矿军备竞赛和贪婪的耗能。
Cellula is a fully on-chain artificial life simulation game. Players explore, cultivate, evolve, and collect unique Life forms in the game. In this game, the rules of Conway's Game of Life are considered the genetic code of the Life forms, determining their forms and vitality. Using the game's crafting table, players can freely create a variety of genetic sequences and give birth to their own on-chain Life forms. These Life forms have unique appearances and properties, and exhibit diverse life forms. Cellula 是一个完全基于区块链的人工生命模拟游戏。玩家在游戏中探索、培育、进化和收集独特的生命形态。在这个游戏中,康威的生命游戏的规则被视为生命形态的基因代码,决定了它们的形态和活力。玩家可以使用游戏的工作台自由地创造各种基因序列,产生他们自己的基于区块链的生命形态。这些生命形态有独特的外观和属性,并展示出多样的生命形态。(by translation software)
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