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Avault is a disruptive way to interact with an array of web3 Defi dApps. As the one-stop omnichain yield service platform on the market, Avault's users can use any asset on any chain supported by Avault to do Omni staking, Omni copy-trading, etc on one click, so they can forget about the unwieldy cross chain experience and focus on speed, usability and what truly matters in their trade. So far, Avault has collaborated with Layerzero, Stargate, Li.FI, and GMX to implement multiple features of omnichain services. At the same time, the product has been deployed in Astar, Arbitrum, Optimism, BNB chain, and Polygon network, and has realized omni-staking & compounding with full currency on the above networks. Avault 提供了顛覆以往 web3 Defi dApp 交互的方式。 作為市面上一站式的全鏈收益服務平台,Avault的用戶可以使用Avault支持的任意一條鏈上的任意資產,一鍵進行Omni Staking、Omni Copy-trading等操作,忘卻繁瑣的跨鏈體驗並專注於速度、可用性以及在他們的交易中真正重要的東西。 到目前為止,Avault 已經與 Layerzero、Stargate、Li.FI 和 GMX 合作,開發並實現了 Omnichain 服務的多項功能。 同時,產品已部署在Astar、Arbitrum、Optimism、BNB chain、Polygon network,並在上述網絡實現全幣種全鏈質押和複投。
Gameland provides gamers with a high-quality decentralized game social open platform to help game Producers gather players and users. Players have a strong demand for the game community, and the channel + vertical community model can give players a one-stop high-quality experience. Building a bridge connecting users for developers, solve the R&D pain points that developers are difficult to obtain high-quality feedback from players, and realize the ability to migrate content to multiple platforms for content creators, increasing the passive income ability of creators. Through an open social graph, users can easily manage their social network data and return the ownership of social data to users. Gameland为 游戏玩家提供一个发现高品质去中心化的游戏社交开放平台,帮助游戏开发商集拢玩家与用户。玩家对于游戏社区有强烈的需求,渠道+垂直社区模式能给予玩家一站式的优质体验。为开发者搭建连接用户的桥梁,解决开发者难以获得玩家高质量反馈的研发痛点,为内容创作者,实现内容多平台迁移能力,增加创作者的被动收入能力。通过开放式的社交图谱,用户可以轻松管理他们的社交网络数据并将社交数据的所有权归还给用户。
DrinkUP brings beverage brands and consumers together via NFTs with gamification and socialization feature so as to build a digital community centered around beverages. Beverage brands will therefore extend from physical world to the broader Web 3.0 world and start a brand new marketing pattern. 通过游戏化和休闲社交属性的NFT,连接饮料品牌方和用户,让用户和消费品牌通过与NFT结合,建立以饮料为中心的数字社区,让品牌从现实社交空间扩展至更广阔的Web3.0社交空间,开启品牌营销新范式。
First of all, Tristan creates Web3 identity and AA account systems for users based on their Web2 accounts (including apps, social platforms, etc.). This creation process is in line with Web2 users' habits and greatly reduces the migration cost of billions of users from Web2 to Web3. Secondly, based on Web3 identity, Tristan provides a loyalty management platform solution that connects Web2 and Web3, including soul-bound NFT (Community Activity NFT) and configurable applet matrix (Web3 Widgets) to achieve efficient asset distribution and value management for user lifecycle including: ⦁ One-click deployment of applets such as referral, activation, mini-games, and red envelopes ⦁ Customized issuance of community NFT (CAT) which carries user lifecycle value and loyalty management ⦁ App/ DApp integration and traffic infusion 首先 Tristan 解决 Web2 用户迁徙的易用问题。基于 Web2 账户(包括互联网App,社交平台等)为用户创建Web3身份和账户系统,这一过程符合Web2用户使用习惯,极大降低数十亿用户的迁徙成本。 其次Tristan提供价值、解决迁徙用户的使用意愿。通过Web3忠诚度管理方案,结合SBT和链上小程序,实现用户生命价值增长及高效资产分发,包括: ⦁ 定制发行可升级品牌社群NFT承载用户生命周期价值 ⦁ 一键部署实现拉新、促活、小游戏、口令红包等小程序 ⦁ 实现App或dApp集成和导流 Tristan中长期将演化成以Web3方式实现Web2数十亿用户认证登陆和行为证明的开放型协议。 目前项目是微软云、华为云的官方合作伙伴,也已经和Web3知名公链、DeFi、DAO、游戏工会开展公测,同时和Web2的媒体公司、跨境电商、展会公司洽谈合作。
MemeBook is a Web3 intelligent investment research community developed by CodeFlyLabs. Mainly for primary and intermediate users Users can obtain accurate information about the Web3 world through intelligent recommendation and field search, including news and information, user opinions, real-time on chain transaction analysis, address assets and operations, etc. Get an intuitive sense of what's going on and feel free to participate in community interaction.Let's break through the dark forest and get a better understanding of the Web3 world and get involved in it. MemeBook是CodeFlyLabs研发的一款面向初级中级用户的Web3智能投研社区。 用户通过智能推荐与领域搜索舒适的获得Web3世界精准信息,包括新闻资讯、用户帖文观点、及时链上交易分析、地址链上资产及操作等。 从而直观地了解正在发生什么以及由哪些组成,同时可以自由的参与到社区交互与建设中,一起拨开黑暗森林的迷雾,更加清晰全面的了解Web3世界进而投身参与其中。
Descrypto (MetaSecureLabs.io) : building trustworthy and security measurement platform for web3 projects, including automated smart contract security detection and web3 infra project security testing. This is an advanced AI/ML based risk control framework with realtime computation capability to evaluate web3 projects by diligencing their code, on-chain data, and project insights etc. They effectively detect zero-day, known/unknown threats, rugpulling risk, and realtime abnormal behavior of billions of DAU applications before. Descrypto(MetaSecureLabs.io):为web3项目构建值得信赖的安全测量平台,包括自动化智能合约安全检测和web3基础设施项目安全测试。这是一个先进的基于AI/ML的风控框架,具有实时计算能力,通过仔细检查代码、链上数据和项目洞察力等来评估web3项目。他们有效地检测数以亿计的大规模DAU应用程序的零日、已知/未知威胁、风险和实时异常行为。
The underlying layer built with MPC (multi-party computation) technology and zero knowledge is a de-trusted network, the private key is not generated on the user side and no one owns the private key, decentralized de-trusted nodes store part of the information and privacy exists between nodes, which is different from Multsign and all non-custodial type wallets, and its underlying paradigm builds an extremely secure information Confidentiality system, upper layer decentralized applications can easily and easily build asset management system based on this wallet. 以MPC(multi-party computation)技术以及ZK构建的底层为去信任化网络,私钥不在用户侧生成,也没有人拥有私钥,去中心化去信任化节点存储部分信息,节点之间有隐私存在,区别于Multsign以及所有非托管类钱包,其底层范式构建极度安全的信息保密体系,上层去中心化应用可基于该钱包轻松简易构建资产管理系统。
B-side: Writers and copyright holders can publish books on the blockchain, launch book NFT, and sell e-books. C-side: NFT investors and readers can invest in potential book NFT, distribute e-books to get high commissions, and read to earn. B端:作家/版权方可链上出版图书,发行图书NFT,销售电子书; C端:NFT投资者/读者可投资图书NFT,分发电子书获取高分佣,阅读赚钱。
Creators at xCast are free to upload audio on any topic, and listeners can enjoy prosperous and unique audio content and interact with podcasters online. With an autonomous community (Bubble) with a specific NFT identity for each audio topic, xCast not only makes it easy for users to access mainstream podcast content but also accommodates a variety of subcultural sound enthusiasts. Through a benign incentive mechanism, users are encouraged to create, secondary process, distribute and consume audio content. Currently, xCast has potential partnerships with several podcasters and will go live with a Beta version of the product in the first quarter. 创作者在xCast可以自由上传任何题材的音频,听众可以享受丰富独特的音频内容,并与播客主进行在线互动。每种音频题材都拥有特定NFT身份的自治社区(Bubble),xCast不仅使用户能够轻易获取主流播客内容,更包容各种亚文化声音爱好者。通过良性激励机制,鼓励用户对音频内容进行创作,二次加工,传播和消费。目前xCast和多个播客主达成潜在合作关系,将于一季度上线产品Beta版本。
NFT trading suffers from high price volatility and lack of liquidity. Blue-chip projects are expensive to participate in, and usual projects are vulnerable to dumping and liquidity crises. Winner is a decentralized NFT marketplace with the following features: 1. Leverage trading: supports ERC721/ERC1155 simultaneous batch trading and leverage trading. 2. Share2Earn: allows social network sharing that helps projects go viral and trending. 3. Play2Earn: Increases participant motivation and involvement with NFT airdrops and gamification. With these distinct features, Winner can decrease the bar of NFT trading, increase liquidity, and generates more fortune and wealth in the NFT field. NFT赛道存在价格波动大和流动性不足的问题,蓝筹项目参与成本高,普通项目容易发生价格坍塌,缺乏流动性。Winner是一个去中心化的NFT交易所,它具有以下特点: 1. 杠杆交易:支持ERC721/ERC1155的混合打包出售以及杠杆交易; 2. Share2Earn:支持社交分享裂变,形成注意力经济。 3. Play2Earn:通过NFT空投以及游戏化场景,提高参与者积极性。 通过这些独特的设计,Winner可以降低NFT交易的门槛,提高流动性,为NFT市场源源不断地产生新的造富传说。
Ascendant Network is a decentralized web3 metaphysics ecosystem. We hold the belief that in order to enjoy the adventure in the everchanging crypto world, every web3er needs 10 mins daily mental rehab. Thus, Ascendant will launch a series of fun and useful metaphysical products, such as new year fortune telling, token matching and so force, to assist users in their investment decisions. Going forward, Ascendant will also launch authentic astrological products, including birth chart reading, personality tests, fortune analysis, and relationship matching, in order to help users explore themselves and receive mental consolation. Ascendant will seek innovative combinations with NFT across the product. With AIGC, Ascendant will offer users personalized and dynamic NFT in various astrology reading scenarios, and thus enable users to fully enjoy the fascination of web3 metaphysics. Ascendant Network 是一个去中心化的玄学生态。为了让web3用户在动荡不安的区块链世界中真正享受乐趣,我们主张每人每天都需要10分钟的精神康复。为此,Ascendant将以星盘为切入点发布一系列富有趣味性和实用性的产品,诸如新年财运、token 匹配等辅助用户投资的产品。随后,Ascendant也会推出本命解盘,性格测试,运势分析,合盘分析等,使用户能深入自我的探索,并获得精神的慰藉。Ascendant 将进行与NFT的多种结合形式,通过使用AIGC,在各个解盘场景给到用户个性化和动态化的NFT体验,极尽可能地享受web3玄学的魅力。
Organizations across fields repeatedly mention access to talent as one of their fundamental challenges. Common solutions include even more intensive reliance on personal networks as well as recruitment budget increases, leading to a rising amount of cold contacting, spammy in-mails, and paying unnecessarily high premiums for headhunters. We are building Lewk protocol: a modular protocol for showcasing personal achievements with on and off-chain records to build web3-native professional identities and referral network. By owning your identity and professional network on chain, we provide an essential utility for web3 new comers, job seekers and employers. 我们帮助 web3 构建者使用 Soul bound NFT 和可验证凭证创建用户拥有的专业身份和推荐网络。各个领域的组织都反复提到获得人才是他们面临的基本挑战之一。常见的解决方案包括更加强烈地依赖个人网络以及增加招聘预算,从而导致越来越多的冷联系、垃圾邮件以及为猎头支付不必要的高额费用。 我们正在构建的 Lewk 协议是一种模块化协议,用于通过链上和链下记录展示个人成就,以构建 web3 原生专业身份和推荐网络。通过在链上拥有您的身份和专业网络,我们为 web3 新手、求职者和雇主提供了一个必不可少的实用程序。