Hackathon Voting

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Chataverse is an NFT-gated messaging app that enables NFT holders and creators to communicate, socialize, and govern transparently and crypto-natively. Aside from NFT's financial incentive, another main reason for a person to purchase an NFT is to access and engage in its community. While most of these communities are built on Discord, the platform itself has problems such as high vulnerability to being hacked and spammed, bombarded channels that can be irrelevant, and countless bots/plug-ins that are complicated. In order to tackle these problems, Chataverse provides the following solutions: - NFT-gated group chats to prevent scams and spam (100% holders). - Freedom to create and join topic-based messaging groups within an NFT community. (ex. Azuki @ San Francisco, Bored Ape Basketball Club). - Forum-style groups for large communities that allow NFT holders to post, comment, and react. - Built-in NFT community management tools that include voting, airdrops, and event proposals. - On-chain "Chataccount" that can aggregate a user's multiple wallets across multiple chains to avoid the inconvenience of switching between wallets. Chataverse是一个NFT-Gated的社交聊天软件。Web 3.0社区需要一个专门为其量身定制的NFT gated社交聊天应用,以便用户能够透明、安全地进行社交与共同治理。用户可以在Chataverse内建立自己的社区、聊天、及发布帖子,通过NFT持有验证的方式,使得NFT Holders与社区更加紧密地联系在一起。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon

Eigen Network

Eigen Network creates a layered proof system with constant proof size and non-trust setup, extends the zkVM with a private standard template library to support privacy-preserving computation, and builds a zkzkRollup as a privacy layer for web3.0. The core features include: Scalability: Eigen zkVM is compatible with Solidity Bytecode and the verifier can be deployed on Ethereum/Polygon/BSC. It builds a layered proof system with FRI and KZG to achieve faster proof generation, constant proof size, and low on-chain verification costs. General privacy-preserving computation: provide general ZK standard library, including AES, ECDSA, SHA256, and ZK random. Secure: leverages Layer 1’s consensus to reach the transaction’s finality and uses a decentralized sequencer with fast chained-BFT to reach the consensus of the final transaction. Developer Experience: highly EVM-equivalence, auto transpilation from Solidity Smart Contract to our assembly for arithmetization. Eigen Network 创建了一个具有恒定证明大小和无信任设置的分层证明系统,使用私有标准模板库扩展 zkVM 以支持隐私保护计算,并构建 zkzkRollup 作为 web3.0 的隐私层。 核心功能包括: 可扩展性:Eigen zkVM 兼容 Solidity Bytecode,验证者可以部署在 Ethereum/Polygon/BSC 上。 它与 FRI 和 KZG 构建分层证明系统,以实现更快的证明生成、恒定的证明大小和较低的链上验证成本。 通用隐私保护计算:提供通用ZK标准库,包括AES、ECDSA、SHA256、ZK random。 安全:利用 Layer 1 的共识来达成交易的最终性,并使用具有快速链式 BFT 的去中心化排序器来达成最终交易的共识。 开发人员体验:高度 EVM 等效性,从 Solidity 智能合约自动转换到我们的算术程序集。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon


Ascendant Network is a decentralized web3 metaphysics ecosystem. We hold the belief that in order to enjoy the adventure in the everchanging crypto world, every web3er needs 10 mins daily mental rehab. Thus, Ascendant will launch a series of fun and useful metaphysical products, such as new year fortune telling, token matching and so force, to assist users in their investment decisions. Going forward, Ascendant will also launch authentic astrological products, including birth chart reading, personality tests, fortune analysis, and relationship matching, in order to help users explore themselves and receive mental consolation. Ascendant will seek innovative combinations with NFT across the product. With AIGC, Ascendant will offer users personalized and dynamic NFT in various astrology reading scenarios, and thus enable users to fully enjoy the fascination of web3 metaphysics. Ascendant Network 是一个去中心化的玄学生态。为了让web3用户在动荡不安的区块链世界中真正享受乐趣,我们主张每人每天都需要10分钟的精神康复。为此,Ascendant将以星盘为切入点发布一系列富有趣味性和实用性的产品,诸如新年财运、token 匹配等辅助用户投资的产品。随后,Ascendant也会推出本命解盘,性格测试,运势分析,合盘分析等,使用户能深入自我的探索,并获得精神的慰藉。Ascendant 将进行与NFT的多种结合形式,通过使用AIGC,在各个解盘场景给到用户个性化和动态化的NFT体验,极尽可能地享受web3玄学的魅力。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon

Tristan Alliance

First of all, Tristan creates Web3 identity and AA account systems for users based on their Web2 accounts (including apps, social platforms, etc.). This creation process is in line with Web2 users' habits and greatly reduces the migration cost of billions of users from Web2 to Web3. Secondly, based on Web3 identity, Tristan provides a loyalty management platform solution that connects Web2 and Web3, including soul-bound NFT (Community Activity NFT) and configurable applet matrix (Web3 Widgets) to achieve efficient asset distribution and value management for user lifecycle including: ⦁ One-click deployment of applets such as referral, activation, mini-games, and red envelopes ⦁ Customized issuance of community NFT (CAT) which carries user lifecycle value and loyalty management ⦁ App/ DApp integration and traffic infusion 首先 Tristan 解决 Web2 用户迁徙的易用问题。基于 Web2 账户(包括互联网App,社交平台等)为用户创建Web3身份和账户系统,这一过程符合Web2用户使用习惯,极大降低数十亿用户的迁徙成本。 其次Tristan提供价值、解决迁徙用户的使用意愿。通过Web3忠诚度管理方案,结合SBT和链上小程序,实现用户生命价值增长及高效资产分发,包括: ⦁ 定制发行可升级品牌社群NFT承载用户生命周期价值 ⦁ 一键部署实现拉新、促活、小游戏、口令红包等小程序 ⦁ 实现App或dApp集成和导流 Tristan中长期将演化成以Web3方式实现Web2数十亿用户认证登陆和行为证明的开放型协议。 目前项目是微软云、华为云的官方合作伙伴,也已经和Web3知名公链、DeFi、DAO、游戏工会开展公测,同时和Web2的媒体公司、跨境电商、展会公司洽谈合作。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon

Scale Protocol

Scale Protocol is positioned to provide users with clear and transparent dealmaking derivatives trading. The team developed a new DPF (Dealer Price Feeds) trading model, realizing a more concise and smooth trading process with high leverage and low fees. Combined with the intelligent algorithm model, Scale maximizes the utilization rate of the capital and provides traders with better trading depth. At the same time, the protocol aggregates multiple assets, including but not limited to cryptocurrency, foreign exchange, precious metals, commodities, etc., to help traders achieve various asset hedging, and reduce trading risks. The team is committed to continuous innovation and iteration of the on-chain derivatives trading, providing a better trading experience, attracting more traders to join the Web3 world, and enjoying fair and smooth decentralized financial services. Scale Protocol产品定位于为用户提供清晰透明的交易撮合的衍生品交易协议。团队独具创新开发的DPF交易模式,通过高杠杆低费率实现交易流程更加简洁顺畅,并结合智能算法模型,实现最大化资金的利用率,为交易者提供更为优秀的交易深度。同时平台聚合了丰富的资产标的,包括但不限于加密货币、外汇、贵金属、大宗商品等,帮助交易者实现各类资产对冲,降低交易风险。团队致力于在链上衍生品交易协议上持续创新迭代,提供更优质的交易体验, 吸引更多交易伙伴加入Web3的世界,畅享公平顺畅的去中心化金融服务。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon


Lounge technologies provide a suite of api/sdk products to help integrate blockchain technologies into existing legacy systems. dAPPs are confusing, they spend millions on attracting customers yet many still find them hard to use. In order for mass market to adopt Web3, we at Lounge reckon that apps should adapt to the existing customers' behaviours instead of asking them to pick up new ones. As such, we have developed a series of core APIs and SDKs to help Web2 companies onboard into Web3 in a swift and simple manner. By calling our APIs, Web2 companies could now serve tickets as NFTs, Web3 companies can get rid of metamask and all the troubles with 24 phrases mnemoic passwords and allow users to customize their preferred username and password. Users can then communicate, transact, and interact with each others based on their usernames instead of typing in the hash addresses. There are many many more to what Lounge could provide, and we aim to allow users to gain access to both Web2 and Web3 world through one simple account, creating the Web 2.5 world that even our grandmas could use. 什么样的去中心化应用可以让我们的父母辈畅用呢?Lounge 认为,这些应用必须简单上手,并且符合现有的用户习惯。以此为基础,Lounge 开发了一系列核心 API 和 SDK,帮助 Web2 公司快速将业务上链。包括利用 NFT 进行票务验证,零知识证明简化助记词成为简单的用户名和密码,通过用户名而不是哈希地址进行沟通(类似于 telegram ),转账等一系列底层技术。通过 Lounge,用户可以自定义用户名密码,并通过同一个账户同时进入 Web2 以及 Web3 世界,大大降低了用户获取门槛。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon


magipop DAO wanna be a decentralized Marvel in Web3. magipop's first co-created sci-fi IP, 140,000-word visual novel, Bubble Observers, will soon be serialized and renewed in various channels. The physical book will be available in the China mainland market in early July, with celebrity recommendations from Luo Jinhai, Zhou Siyi, Lin Chao, Stanley Chen Qiufan, Hao Jingfang. Two Twitter accounts "@magipop_dao" and "@BubbleObservers" reached 10K+ fans in one week. Discord community reached 10k+ members. Besides, magipop is cooperating with various overseas design brands, web2.0, and web3.0 projects such as TIBI, Tmall IP Mart, JUNPING, F996, Sad Frog, HiPanda. The project also received multiple crypto fund commitment. magipop 是一个旨在成为 “web3 漫威” 的 creator DAO,期待在 web3 孵化好的 IP 、探索新的商业模式。经过 6 个月时间发展,magipop 有 100 余个核心创作者,比如著名科幻作家陈楸帆;1 万多个 DAO 成员 ;10 余个 Ecosystem Partners ,包括 STEPN 的 Jerry,RSS3 的 Joshua 等;官方媒体共计 25k Followers;第一次公开共创 ‘Earth2026’ 参与人数过万, magipop 从 0 到 1 孵化的第一个 IP 为 Bubble Observers,目前已与时代华语合作拟 7 月初出版发售 14 万字图书,该书受到了郝景芳、所长林超、陈楸帆、罗金海、周思益等大咖的推荐;海外线上持续连载更新视觉小说和视觉、互动游戏内容。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon


UniAsset is a decentralized trading platform offering Metaverse digital asset securitization service, with a vision to be the leader of Metaverse fixed asset derivative sales & trading market. For the current phase, we are focusing on providing $1 price tracking service to over 2 million retail NFT traders. UniAsset as a platform connects LP and retail traders, offers retails 1:1 price-tracking uNFT (such as uBAYC) trading solutions, and uses the liquidity from LP to conduct AMM (Automated Market Making) to earn liquidity premium and commission fee. Due to the nature of the business, the platform will accumulate positive cash flow very soon after launch and has no risk exposure to various price movements, thus can stably & safely generate revenue regardless of market’s bear or bull. UniAsset 是一家提供元宇宙数字资产证券化服务的去中心化金融交易平台,愿景成为元宇宙固定资产衍生品销售与交易的龙头服务提供商。起步阶段,我们将聚焦于“蓝筹NFT”(如 Azuki、BAYC),为超两百万散户投资者提供一美元追踪蓝筹 NFT 底价的服务。UniAsset 将作为平台撮合 LP 和散户交易者,向散户提供 1:1 追踪蓝筹NFT底价的 uNFT(如 uBAYC)的交易服务,并通过 LP 提供的流动性进行自动做市,赚取流动性溢价与佣金。平台将会在正式运行后迅速积累正现金流且不承担风险敞口,因此不论市场牛熊均可以稳定盈利。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon


Along with the development of the Internet, the evolution of e-commerce is manifested in the evolution of the product and user aggregation method. In Web3Shop, designers directly design products for NFT IP in the user's wallet, thus realizing accurate aggregation between the product side and the user side, replacing the search and algorithmic recommendation logic of web1 and web2. Its advantages include reducing customer acquisition costs on the product side and increasing engagement on the user side. Web3Shop's vision is to help designers achieve low-cost entrepreneurship and become an economic platform for creators that unites the world's best creativity. Web3shop's short-term business goal is to tap into the $100 billion premium apparel (Top ware) market and the $300 billion luxury goods market by leveraging the creative power of designers around the world. 伴随互联联网的发展,电子商务的演进方式,表现为产品和用户两端撮合方式的演进。在 web3shop,设计师直接针对用户钱包里 NFT IP 展开商品设计,进而实现产品端和用户端的精准撮合,代替 web1 时代的搜索和 web2 时代的算法推荐逻辑。其优势包括降低产品端的获客成本和提高用户端的参与度。 Web3shop 的愿景是帮助设计师实现低成本创业,成为凝聚全球优秀创造力的创作者经济平台。Web3shop 的短期商业目标,是利用全球设计师的创作能力,打入价值 1000 亿美元的高档服饰(Top ware)市场和价值 3000 亿的奢侈品市场。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon


DeLiquid aims to build the future of Web3 interoperability and help everyone around the globe enter the multi-chain future by providing a non-custodial multi-chain crypto wallet. Our wallet currently has 3 unique features: 1) one seed phrase, access all blockchains (for alpha product launch, we will support 6 chains: Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, Cosmos). 2) a swap & bridge aggregator that helps users transfer assets across chains with the lowest quotes on the market. 3) fully explore the multi-chain DApps without the need to switch wallets. For our future roadmap, DeLiquid will open source our multi-chain SDK that will empower future multi-chain DApps such as multi-chain crypto payment, etc. Also, DeLiquid won the 1st place in 2022 Circle Hackathon DeFi track. 随着越来越多新的 non-EVM 链和 layer-1/layer-2 链的出现,Web3 用户对多链条应用的需求也在逐渐变大。DeLiquid 是一个非托管形跨链钱包,愿景是建造未来 web3 的互通性。目前主要支持的功能有 3 个:1)一套助记词连接所有的区块链(包括 EVMs 和 non-EVMs);2) 一个跨链的 Swap 和 Bridge 的整合器,帮助用户在市场上找到最低价和最快速的 Swap 和 Bridge 服务;3)仅需要一个钱包,就可以与多链的去中心化应用进行交互。同时 DeLiquid 在中后期阶段会开源多链的 SDK,能够为去中心化的多链应用提供了基础设施(包括去中心化的虚拟货币支付及收款等)。DeLiquid 获得 2022 Circle Hackathon DeFi Track 第一名。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon


HyperEX is a web-based 3D multiplayer online role-playing game and a spatial location-based real-time multiplayer video meeting tool. HyperEX allows users to manipulate their virtual characters to experience rich online activities in 3D space and interact with more players in a realistic way. At the same time, HyperEX puts the design and ownership of the space back in the hands of the users, allowing them to design and publish their own spaces and games, and to leverage HyperEX's video calling and multiplayer location synchronization infrastructure to enable a variety of online entertainment experiences. HyperEX has already received a large number of intents to use and requests for internal testing from companies, including X ACADEMY, the largest youth summer program in China, Zhen Fund, Box Community, MixLab, TEA Community, etc. The product is already in the internal testing stage. HyperEX 是一款基于网页的三维多人在线角色扮演游戏及基于空间位置的实时多人视频通话工具。用户进入 HyperEX 后可操纵自己的角色在三维空间体验丰富的线上活动、并真实地与更多玩家进行真实的互动。同时,HyperEX 将空间的设计和归属权回归用户,用户可设计和发布属于自己的场景、空间以及游戏,并利用 HyperEX 的视频通话及多人位置同步等基础设施,可实现多种多样的线上娱乐体验。目前 HyperEX 已获得大量公司的使用意向和内测请求,包括国内规模最大的青年暑期项目 X ACADEMY、真格基金、盒子社区、MixLab、TEA 社区等,产品已在内测阶段。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon


afu ™ is a metaverse application social app, focusing on the functions of B & B space decoration, virtual outings and activities to earn tokens. We creatively divide online space into 2D (outdoor) and 3D (indoor). Users' personal indoor space is in 3D style, allowing users to create personalized space through simple drag and drop, and they can also go outdoors with friends, and use our 2D long video space to truly meet the current online outing immersion of mobile terminals. In addition, users can also participate in games through random activities in the chat room to obtain benefits, which can be used to upgrade their exquisite indoor space and incubate pets. This product aims to create a popular product that connects web2 and Web3. At present, this product has nearly 700,000 followers on the Internet. Due to the innovation of product design and the uniqueness of user testing / Co-creation, afu ™ has also won various international awards such as IF design award in Germany and spark Design Award in the United States etc. afu ™ 是一款元宇宙应用社交 app,主打个人民宿装扮、虚拟郊游及活动赚取代币的功能。我们独创性的将线上空间划分为 2D 和 3D 两类:用户个人的室内空间为 3D 风格,允许用户通过简单的托拉拽来打造个性化空间;也可以跟朋友结伴去户外郊游,并使用我们的 2D 长视频空间来真正满足目前移动端的线上郊游沉浸感。除此之外,用户还可以参与小游戏获取收益,将这些收益用于升级自己精致的室内空间及孵化宠物。该产品志在打造一个打通 web2 和 web3 的爆款产品,目前该产品以收获全网近 70w 粉丝。由于产品设计上的创新性以及用户测试/共创方式的独特型,afu ™ 荣获了德国IF 设计大奖、美国Spark设计奖等各类国际奖项。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon

0xcreator_ labs

Creators of paid content face two main challenges in monetization: weak bargaining power versus the big platforms and the lack of direct relationships with their audience; and no effective mechanism for distributing and syndicating their content, as reflected in the limited number of consumers they can reach and the low conversion rate. At 0xCreator Labs, we set out to provide a tool that allows creators to depict their content as "copyright NFT" (c-NFT) and define content access using multiple copies of "reading NFT" (r-NFT). We aim to create the infrastructure on which creators can sell r-NFTs to content consumers through various open channels (i.e. dApps). Readers can only access the token-gated content if they hold the correspondent rNFT. In the future, we envisage developing a content marketplace and an economic system to facilitate higher efficiency in distributing and syndicating paid content. Eventually, creators can circumvent the dominating platforms while achieving a higher level of independence and more effective monetization. 目前,付费内容的创作者主要面临两个变现难题:相对于大平台来说,议价权较弱,直接拥有的用户数据较少;除了自身流量之外,他们缺乏好的内容售卖和分发机制,可触达的用户体量和转化率都有限。因此 0xCreator Labs 决定提供这样一个工具:创作者可以将自己内容的版权铸造为 cNFT;将自己的内容的阅读权限铸造为多份 reading NFT,并通过各种开放渠道将 rNFT 售卖给读者,只有持有了 rNFT,才能看到对应内容原文。在未来,我们会开发相应的内容交易市场,通过相应的经济模型,进一步提高付费内容的分发效率。最终,创作者可以绕开大平台,发行真正属于自己的付费内容,并获得较好销量。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon