Problem To Solve

DAOs rely on an engaged community to vote on proposals thoughtfully. Every proposal needs to be voted on manually which slows things down and leads to DAO fatigue. Source: Alex Cheema & Mohamed Baioumy from AI x Crypto Primer

Problem Solution

Automate proposals by giving members of a DAO an AI Agent that votes on their behalf based on their values. The model could use a Bayesian approach which takes into account the uncertainty in the decision being made. If the uncertainty is above a threshold, then bring the proposal to the attention of the members of the DAO and require a manual vote. The onboarding process for creating these AI agents needs to be streamlined for users to adopt this. A combination of on-chain and off-chain data from each user can be used to define the preferences of a user without too much manual work.


Source: Alex Cheema & Mohamed Baioumy from AI x Crypto Primer Full credits go toward these two legends. I wanted to share some incredible idea from their presentation & primer.

Other Information

pragma solidity ^0.8.24; contract Example { function decide(string memory proposal) public pure returns (Choice, string memory) { string memory result = llmInference(string.concat(prompt, proposal)); string memory v = substring(result, 0, 1); string memory reason = substring(result, 2, bytes(result).length); if (keccak256(abi.encodePacked((v))) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(("Y")))) { return (Choice.For, reason); } else if (keccak256(abi.encodePacked((v))) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(("N")))) { return (Choice.Against, reason); ^some example code, unfinished


Idea Provided by
Harry Zhang
Creation TimeJun 18, 2024
Open to Team upNo