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Ascendant Network is a decentralized web3 metaphysics ecosystem. We hold the belief that in order to enjoy the adventure in the everchanging crypto world, every web3er needs 10 mins daily mental rehab. Thus, Ascendant will launch a series of fun and useful metaphysical products, such as new year fortune telling, token matching and so force, to assist users in their investment decisions. Going forward, Ascendant will also launch authentic astrological products, including birth chart reading, personality tests, fortune analysis, and relationship matching, in order to help users explore themselves and receive mental consolation. Ascendant will seek innovative combinations with NFT across the product. With AIGC, Ascendant will offer users personalized and dynamic NFT in various astrology reading scenarios, and thus enable users to fully enjoy the fascination of web3 metaphysics. Ascendant Network 是一个去中心化的玄学生态。为了让web3用户在动荡不安的区块链世界中真正享受乐趣,我们主张每人每天都需要10分钟的精神康复。为此,Ascendant将以星盘为切入点发布一系列富有趣味性和实用性的产品,诸如新年财运、token 匹配等辅助用户投资的产品。随后,Ascendant也会推出本命解盘,性格测试,运势分析,合盘分析等,使用户能深入自我的探索,并获得精神的慰藉。Ascendant 将进行与NFT的多种结合形式,通过使用AIGC,在各个解盘场景给到用户个性化和动态化的NFT体验,极尽可能地享受web3玄学的魅力。



Ascendant Network正在打造web3玄学元宇宙,用占星学为web3用户在动荡不安的加密货币世界保驾护航,同时让web3用户享受趣味又有意义的玄学体验。
