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CALDANCE position ourselves as a project between the Machinefi and Gaification model. Users exercise through the CALDANCE-certified equipment to generate real and credible exercise data. The first pain point in Web3, we want to base on valuable data development CALDANCE ECO with the physical machine to fundamentally solve and avoid the risk of Ponzi inflation & Cheating in the existing X2EARN pure virtual project. And compared to existing IoT mining projects such as Helium, our device is more applicable and usable in users' daily life, Web3 users can really enjoy our machine and at the same time enjoy exercise & gaming in the ecosystem which will give them more incentive to join us. Secondly in the traditional web2 fitness industry, it's hard to cultivate users' long-term exercise habits, as most of people are lazy. We want to leverage the web3 model to give user incentive to encourage them to develop regular exercise habits. CALDANCE 项⽬是通过MachineFi和游戏激励机制的模式,使⽤项⽬认证的实体运动器材进⾏运动锻炼,产⽣真实、可信和不可篡改的运动数据,基于这些规模化的有价值实体硬件、⽤⼾群以 及⽤⼾运动数据,通过发展成有价值的品牌和⽣态,产⽣价值收益奖励⽤⼾。



CALDANCE(Calorie Dance )是一个通过使⽤实体消费级别的运动健身硬件连接WEB2.0与WEB3.0世界中NFT 区块链数字资产等的MACHINE-FI运动奖励应⽤项⽬
