A Simple Lottery is a basic and straightforward form of a lottery system where participants enter for a chance to win a prize by purchasing a ticket or meeting a participation requirement.
Simple Lottery Smart Contract
This is a basic lottery smart contract written in Solidity. It allows users to participate in a lottery by sending exactly 0.1 ETH. The contract randomly selects a winner, and the winner can withdraw the prize.
Entry: Players can enter the lottery by sending exactly 0.1 ETH.
Random Winner Selection: The winner is selected using a pseudo-random method based on the block timestamp and difficulty.
Winner Withdrawal: The winner can withdraw the total prize from the contract.
No input required during deployment: The contract does not need any input fields during deployment.
Contract Overview
: Allows users to enter the lottery by sending exactly 0.1 ETH.selectWinner()
: Selects a random winner from the players and resets the players list for the next round.getWinner()
: Returns the winner's address.getPlayersCount()
: Returns the number of players currently in the lottery.withdraw()
: Allows the winner to withdraw the prize from the contract.
Contract Code
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract SimpleLottery {
address[] public players; // List of participants in the lottery
address public winner; // Address of the winner
// Function to enter the lottery
function enter() public payable {
// Ensure the player sends exactly 0.1 ether to participate
require(msg.value == 0.1 ether, "You must send exactly 0.1 ETH to enter.");
// Add participant to the players array
// Function to select a winner randomly
function selectWinner() public {
// Ensure there are players in the lottery
require(players.length > 0, "No players in the lottery.");
// Generate a pseudo-random index for selecting a winner
uint index = uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.timestamp, block.difficulty, players))) % players.length;
winner = players[index];
// Reset the players array for the next round
delete players;
// Function to get the winner's address
function getWinner() public view returns (address) {
return winner;
// Function to get the players count
function getPlayersCount() public view returns (uint) {
return players.length;
// Function to withdraw the funds by the winner
function withdraw() public {
// Ensure only the winner can withdraw
require(msg.sender == winner, "Only the winner can withdraw the prize.");
// Transfer the balance of the contract to the winner
This project is licensed under the MIT License.