ZK MPC Wallet
The underlying layer built with MPC (multi-party computation) technology and zero knowledge is a de-trusted network, the private key is not generated on the user side and no one owns the private key, decentralized de-trusted nodes store part of the information and privacy exists between nodes, which is different from Multsign and all non-custodial type wallets, and its underlying paradigm builds an extremely secure information Confidentiality system, upper layer decentralized applications can easily and easily build asset management system based on this wallet. 以MPC(multi-party computation)技术以及ZK构建的底层为去信任化网络,私钥不在用户侧生成,也没有人拥有私钥,去中心化去信任化节点存储部分信息,节点之间有隐私存在,区别于Multsign以及所有非托管类钱包,其底层范式构建极度安全的信息保密体系,上层去中心化应用可基于该钱包轻松简易构建资产管理系统。