
Building A Bulls And Cows Game

In this course, we will use Rust to write a Bulls and Cows Game. Enjoy your first project in Rust.

Skill LevelBeginner
Total Length1.5h

Intended Learners

Who’s This Course For

  • For developers who are interested in Rust.


  • Basic understanding of Rust is recommended - At least completed the foundational course: Rust Basic Concepts.
  • No development experience is needed- this course contains the simplest and most basic procedures.

What You’ll Learn

  • Writing a project to implement the logic of Bulls and Cows in Rust.
  • How to configure the project in Rust Playground, and run debugging.


  • Uint 0 - Course Intro

    Introduction to the Guessing Game in Rust

  • Unit 1 - Implementing Bulls and Cows in Rust(1)

    In this chapter, we will implement Bulls and Cows using native Rust.

  • Unit 2 - Implementing Bulls and Cows in Rust(2)

    This chapter explains how to specifically use dependency libraries in the Rust language to implement functionalities for generating random numbers and capturing user input.

  • Unit 3 - Implementing Bulls and Cows in Rust(3)

    In this chapter, we will process the user's input data and complete the logic for comparing it with the correct value.

  • Unit 4 - Interaction

    This chapter will focus on learning how to run the program and experiencing the player interaction process.


Building A Bulls And Cows Game

17 lessons
Access on mobile and desktop