
Deploying Your First Contract on XION

This course will guide you through the implementation and deployment of a token pot contract on XION. You will learn how to manage CW20 tokens using the Rust and CosmWasm framework, and gain insights into its key features.

Skill LevelBeginner
Total Length3h

Intended Learners

Who’s This Course For

  • Developers who are interested in blockchain and smart contracts
  • Developers who are interested in learning Rust
  • Developers who are interested in building on XION


  • Basic understanding of Web3 and blockchain concepts.
  • Basic programming skills are recommended, prior experience with Web2 languages such as Java or Python will facilitate a better grasp of the course material

What You’ll Learn

  • Automated collection of CW20 tokens based on CosmWasm


  • Unit 1 - Course Introduction

    In this chapter, we will learn about CosmWasm and cw20.

  • Unit 2 - Building a CW20 Pot on XION

    This section describes how to configure the environment and import dependencies for our project.

  • Unit 3 - Implement Initialization Functions

    This section describes how to define and implement the initialization function of the contract, including the configuration of compilation attributes, creating version information constants, returning responses, and so on.

  • Unit 4 - Implement Execution Functions

    This section describes how to define and implement the execution function of the contract, including the matching of the received message, the caller's permission verification, the logic processing after receiving tokens, return response and so on.

  • Unit 5 - Implement Query Functions

    In this section, we will cover how to implement a query function that allows us to check the status of a specified funding pool.

  • Unit 6 - Comparing XION to Ethereum

    This section describes how to develop on Ethereum versus XION.


Deploying Your First Contract on XION

36 lessons
Access on mobile and desktop