
Building DeFi Smart Vaults on Arbitrum

In this course, we will explore how to use the Rust language and the OpenZeppelin ERC4626 standard to create DeFi (Decentralized Finance) smart vaults. Through this course, we aim to enable students to: 1. Understand the workings of smart vaults and their applications in DeFi projects. 2. Acquire the skills to develop smart contracts using Rust.

Skill LevelBeginner
Total Length0.9h

Intended Learners

Who’s This Course For

  • For Developers interested in blockchain and smart contracts
  • For Developers interested in Rust programming
  • For Developers interested in Arbitrum


  • Basic understanding of Arbitrum and Rust - At a minimum, you should be familiar with the content of the Stylus Rust SDK introduction course

What You’ll Learn

  • The complete process of developing Arbitrum Stylus smart vaults
Stylus SDK


  • Unit 1 - Course Objectives

    This chapter will cover Arbitrum Stylus Smart Vaults Concept

  • Unit 2 - Configuration and Environment Setup

    This unit discusses how to prepare a Rust project to make it suitable for running in a smart contract environment.

  • Unit 3 - Import Modules

    This section introduces how to import several basic tools and modules to help us build our own smart contracts.

  • Unit 4 - Define VaultParams Struct

    This section discusses setting up the basic parameters for smart contracts, especially the necessary steps when constructing Vaults token contracts that adhere to the ERC20 standard.

  • Unit 5 - Define Struct

    This part introduces how to create a structured storage system for smart contracts and how to set up the contract's basic functionalities.

  • Unit 6 - Implement Vault Struct

    This section covers how to implement the basic functionality of the Vault struct.

  • Unit 7 - Implement Deposit Function

    This section introduces how to add a deposit function to a smart contract, allowing users to deposit assets and receive token shares in return.

  • Unit 8 - Implement Withdraw Function

    This section introduces how to add a withdraw function, allowing users to withdraw assets from the contract.

  • Unit 9 - Retrieve Asset Address and Total Assets

    This section introduces how to implement two basic query functions within a smart contract, allowing external users and contracts to access core information about the contract.

  • Unit 10 - Interaction

    This chapter will learn how to build and deploy programs.


Building DeFi Smart Vaults on Arbitrum

63 lessons
Access on mobile and desktop