
Move on Sui 103

In this course, we will learn the modules of Move on Sui and learn how it implements data structures such as Set, Map, Dynamic Fields, and Table.

Skill LevelIntermediate
Total Length5h

Intended Learners

Who’s This Course For

  • Developers interested in blockchain and smart contracts.
  • Developers interested in Sui Move.


  • Basic understanding of blockchain concepts.
  • Basic understanding in Rust are recommended - prior experience with Rust will facilitate a better grasp of the course material.

What You’ll Learn

  • Setting up the Sui development environment.
  • Introduction to the Sui object model.
  • Introduction to the Sui core modules.
object Module
transfer Module
Collection related modules


  • Unit 1 - Introduction to Sui

    In this chapter, we will continue to learn and master the basic sui cli commands based on the Sui development environment we built earlier.

  • Unit2 - Sui Object Model

    In this chapter we will learn about Sui's object model: unique identifiers, ownership, and transfer of objects.

  • Unit 3 - Move on Sui Collection

    In this chapter, we will learn about the collection-related modules in Move on Sui and understand how it implements data structures such as Set, Map, Dynamic Fields, Table, etc. Understanding these is very helpful for the development of smart contracts.

  • Unit 4 - Move on Sui Module

    In this chapter, we will continue to learn other modules of Move on Sui: the Clock module for obtaining the global clock, the Display module for setting object display information, the BCS module related to (de)serialization, etc.


Move on Sui 103

15 lessons
Access on mobile and desktop