
Move 102

This is the first advanced lesson about Move. We will cover the following topics: ownership, unit testing, one-time witnessing, and asset-related modules in Sui Move. Mastering these concepts is crucial for developing smart contracts using Move. Let's get started!

Skill LevelIntermediate
Total Length3.3h

Intended Learners

Who’s This Course For

  • Developers interested in blockchain and smart contracts.
  • Developers interested in Sui Move.


  • Basic understanding of blockchain concepts.

What You’ll Learn

  • Introduction to the concept of ownership.
  • Introduction to unit testing.
  • Introduction to PTB and OTW concepts.
  • Introduction to the asset module in Sui Move.
Unit Test
Module Initializer
Coin、Balance、SUI、Pay modules


  • Unit 1 - Move Syntax

    1、Ownership and Scope 2、Generic 3、Type_name Module 4、Unit Test 5、Assert & Abort

  • Unit 2 - Move Patterns

    1、Entry Modifier 2、PTB 3、Module Initializer 4、OTW

  • Unit 3 - Sui Move Assets

    1、The original intention of Move and the improvement of Sui 2、Coin Module 3、Balance Module 4、SUI Module 5、Pay Module


Move 102

14 lessons
Access on mobile and desktop