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Avault is a disruptive way to interact with an array of web3 Defi dApps. As the one-stop omnichain yield service platform on the market, Avault's users can use any asset on any chain supported by Avault to do Omni staking, Omni copy-trading, etc on one click, so they can forget about the unwieldy cross chain experience and focus on speed, usability and what truly matters in their trade. So far, Avault has collaborated with Layerzero, Stargate, Li.FI, and GMX to implement multiple features of omnichain services. At the same time, the product has been deployed in Astar, Arbitrum, Optimism, BNB chain, and Polygon network, and has realized omni-staking & compounding with full currency on the above networks. Avault 提供了顛覆以往 web3 Defi dApp 交互的方式。 作為市面上一站式的全鏈收益服務平台,Avault的用戶可以使用Avault支持的任意一條鏈上的任意資產,一鍵進行Omni Staking、Omni Copy-trading等操作,忘卻繁瑣的跨鏈體驗並專注於速度、可用性以及在他們的交易中真正重要的東西。 到目前為止,Avault 已經與 Layerzero、Stargate、Li.FI 和 GMX 合作,開發並實現了 Omnichain 服務的多項功能。 同時,產品已部署在Astar、Arbitrum、Optimism、BNB chain、Polygon network,並在上述網絡實現全幣種全鏈質押和複投。



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