BitPoW is a Layer 1 blockchain that is the most innovative in the crypto industry after Bitcoin and Ethereum. The project's team has discovered the first useful PoW algorithm, named EcoPoW, which is the directly upgrade of existing PoW with minimal change. BitPoW allows for almost free gas fees, making it a more affordable and accessible option for users. BitPoW is resistant to mining pools, which is more decentralized than Bitcoin. BitPoW 基于第一个有用的工作量证明。在此革新驱动下,公链可以实现超越比特币的去中心化,移除矿池,并给链用户提供无与伦比的低 gas 成本。于此同时,丝毫不会影响区块链的安全性,也不会鼓励挖矿军备竞赛和贪婪的耗能。