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bounty hunt

a basic project used for giving reward


# BountyHunter Project

The BountyHunter project is a Solidity smart contract deployed on the Edu Chain. It allows users to create, assign, and complete tasks (bounties) with rewards distributed to bounty hunters upon task completion.

## Features

1. Create Bounties:

- Allows anyone to create new bounties by providing a task description and specifying a reward.

2. Assign Hunters:

- Bounties can be assigned to specific bounty hunters (identified by their Ethereum address).

3. Mark Tasks as Completed:

- Once the bounty hunter finishes the assigned task, they can mark the task as completed.

4. Claim Rewards:

- After completing a task, the bounty hunter can claim their reward, which is transferred to their address.

5. View Total Bounties:

- Users can query the total number of bounties added to the system.

## Smart Contract Address

The BountyHunter contract has been deployed on the Edu Chain at the following address:


## How It Works

1. Adding Bounties: A user creates a bounty by specifying a task description and a reward amount (in Wei). The bounty is stored on the blockchain but remains unassigned initially.

2. Assigning Bounty Hunters: The bounty can be assigned to a specific hunter by their Ethereum address, and only that hunter can complete and claim the reward for the task.

3. Completing the Task: The assigned hunter marks the bounty as completed once the task is done.

4. Claiming the Reward: After marking the bounty as completed, the hunter can claim the reward, which is automatically transferred to their address.

## Deployment

The contract is live on the Edu Chain network. You can interact with the deployed contract using any Ethereum-compatible wallet or interface (such as Remix, MyEtherWallet, or web3.js).

### Example Deployment Steps (if redeploying)

1. Open [Remix IDE](https://remix.ethereum.org/).

2. Paste the Solidity code into a new file.

3. Compile the contract with Solidity compiler version ^0.8.26.

4. Connect to Edu Chain using MetaMask or another provider.

5. Deploy the contract.

6. Use the contract functions to interact with bounties.

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more details.

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