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Organizations across fields repeatedly mention access to talent as one of their fundamental challenges. Common solutions include even more intensive reliance on personal networks as well as recruitment budget increases, leading to a rising amount of cold contacting, spammy in-mails, and paying unnecessarily high premiums for headhunters. We are building Lewk protocol: a modular protocol for showcasing personal achievements with on and off-chain records to build web3-native professional identities and referral network. By owning your identity and professional network on chain, we provide an essential utility for web3 new comers, job seekers and employers. 我们帮助 web3 构建者使用 Soul bound NFT 和可验证凭证创建用户拥有的专业身份和推荐网络。各个领域的组织都反复提到获得人才是他们面临的基本挑战之一。常见的解决方案包括更加强烈地依赖个人网络以及增加招聘预算,从而导致越来越多的冷联系、垃圾邮件以及为猎头支付不必要的高额费用。 我们正在构建的 Lewk 协议是一种模块化协议,用于通过链上和链下记录展示个人成就,以构建 web3 原生专业身份和推荐网络。通过在链上拥有您的身份和专业网络,我们为 web3 新手、求职者和雇主提供了一个必不可少的实用程序。



We help web3 builders create user owned professional identities and warm intro network using Soul bound NFTs and verifiable credentials.
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