Generic token escrow for two parties to swap peer to peer
Going back to the Ethereum principles, where removal of people as intermediaries and reliance on code and maths take over, we present P2P Swap.
This project is a generic token swapping dApp where any two parties agree on a deal for swapping their token(s). These tokens can be any kind of ERC Standardised tokens.
There are many permutations of swaps that can occur:
1. Any ERC type for any other ETC type (e.g. 721 for 1155 as seen in the demo)
2. Any ERC type for ETH
3. Any ERC Type + ETH for any other ERC type
The dApp is geared to be gas efficient and easy to use with as much detail given to the users as possible.
We do not make any money from this - this is a public good type of project which we have deployed on Linea and Ethereum Mainnet.
The dApp itself is deployed to IPFS (and also hosted on Netlify for those who want to use and can be accessed at
The team has worked asynchronously across timezones to build the project. The UI has been built on top of the smart contracts built by The Dark Jester.
Entirely funded by thedarkjester including multiple iterative deploys