ShineX is a Social2Earn protocol. Users who installed our browser plug-in, can get token as rewards with actions such as liking/commenting/forwarding on Web2 platform. By using IP as the dimension, we will collect data in Web2 and convert it into the IP of the Web3 crypto community, and issue NFT through the team. Users can regard ShineX's token as a reward for distribution and creation; it also able to carry the function of community governance, and users can empower and pledge their favorite IP by ShineX’s tokens. As a protocol layer solution, ShineX will support more DAPP to access our related services by ShineX’s token. Click here to learn more: ShineX 是一个 Social2Earn 协议,用户安装我们的浏览器插件就可以在传统 Web2 的平台上通过点赞/评论/转发等操作获得通证奖励。我们会把 Web2 的数据以 IP 为维度聚合起来,转化为 Web3 crypto 社区的 IP,通过团队发行 NFT。用户可以将 ShineX 的通证视作传播与创作行为的奖励通证;它也能够承载社区治理的功能,用户能够通过通证为喜欢的 IP 赋能质押;作为协议层,未来 ShineX 也支持更多的 DAPP 用通证获取我们的相关服务。 了解更多: