Thoonga Nagaram - The City
Platform that provides Transparent Government and allows anonymous and ZK based citizen data and Grievences Management
The problem Thoonga Nagaram - The City solves
- Provides a Transparent Government in both actions and its economical moves
- Creates a BRIBE FREE Society / Government
- Provides a one stop place to pay taxes, bill, meds, utilities etc.
- Generalizes currency by using PYUSD / EVM based blockchain payments
- Provides anonymous way to sent feedback to the government and allows citizens to monitor crime rates and energy usage by different sectors
- Provides the users whole transaction history to manage their financial needs
- Has a learning portal for users to know more about all the chain and their markets
- Provides the whole list of government expenditures with transaction hash of all departments like law enforcement, PWD, Officials to all citizens to make them aware of the governments performance
- Allows citizens to visit any hospital and without sharing their name the hospital can identify the whole medical history of the patient using ZK protocols
- Exclusive platform to India due to the usage of Anon Aadhaar for ID verification while logging in
- Provides various analytics to citizens to know more about their environment.