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HyperEX is a web-based 3D multiplayer online role-playing game and a spatial location-based real-time multiplayer video meeting tool. HyperEX allows users to manipulate their virtual characters to experience rich online activities in 3D space and interact with more players in a realistic way. At the same time, HyperEX puts the design and ownership of the space back in the hands of the users, allowing them to design and publish their own spaces and games, and to leverage HyperEX's video calling and multiplayer location synchronization infrastructure to enable a variety of online entertainment experiences. HyperEX has already received a large number of intents to use and requests for internal testing from companies, including X ACADEMY, the largest youth summer program in China, Zhen Fund, Box Community, MixLab, TEA Community, etc. The product is already in the internal testing stage. HyperEX 是一款基于网页的三维多人在线角色扮演游戏及基于空间位置的实时多人视频通话工具。用户进入 HyperEX 后可操纵自己的角色在三维空间体验丰富的线上活动、并真实地与更多玩家进行真实的互动。同时,HyperEX 将空间的设计和归属权回归用户,用户可设计和发布属于自己的场景、空间以及游戏,并利用 HyperEX 的视频通话及多人位置同步等基础设施,可实现多种多样的线上娱乐体验。目前 HyperEX 已获得大量公司的使用意向和内测请求,包括国内规模最大的青年暑期项目 X ACADEMY、真格基金、盒子社区、MixLab、TEA 社区等,产品已在内测阶段。


HyperEX 一个为用户提供多感官线上混合活动体验的平台。
