The high cost of GPU hardware is a no-solution problem. Most of AIGC products' incomes are transferred to cloud providers, even the leading products. uses Web3 to solve GPU supply. AIGC tasks will be submitted to a blockchain-based jobs scheduler network called Cybros Network. It will help schedule generating tasks to available GPU hardware, balance workload, and monitor health. With the power of Web3, the costs should be reduced to a new level, allowing customers to batch tons of prompts to mine the finest results. GPU 的高成本使得大多数 AIGC 项目不可持续,但随着算法的优化流行的 AIGC 场景能够利用家用级别的算力进行计算,引入去中心化算力将极大的降低 AIGC 产品的启动成本和使用成本,让产品良性的发展下去。 正是这样一个完全建立在去中心化算力上的 AIGC 服务。他由专门解决任务调度的 L2 区块链网络 Cybros Network 支持,投递计算任务后,网络将协助调度任务到可用的算力节点,并监控任务执行的进度,和节点的健康度。