Scale Protocol
Scale Protocol is positioned to provide users with clear and transparent dealmaking derivatives trading. The team developed a new DPF (Dealer Price Feeds) trading model, realizing a more concise and smooth trading process with high leverage and low fees. Combined with the intelligent algorithm model, Scale maximizes the utilization rate of the capital and provides traders with better trading depth. At the same time, the protocol aggregates multiple assets, including but not limited to cryptocurrency, foreign exchange, precious metals, commodities, etc., to help traders achieve various asset hedging, and reduce trading risks. The team is committed to continuous innovation and iteration of the on-chain derivatives trading, providing a better trading experience, attracting more traders to join the Web3 world, and enjoying fair and smooth decentralized financial services. Scale Protocol产品定位于为用户提供清晰透明的交易撮合的衍生品交易协议。团队独具创新开发的DPF交易模式,通过高杠杆低费率实现交易流程更加简洁顺畅,并结合智能算法模型,实现最大化资金的利用率,为交易者提供更为优秀的交易深度。同时平台聚合了丰富的资产标的,包括但不限于加密货币、外汇、贵金属、大宗商品等,帮助交易者实现各类资产对冲,降低交易风险。团队致力于在链上衍生品交易协议上持续创新迭代,提供更优质的交易体验, 吸引更多交易伙伴加入Web3的世界,畅享公平顺畅的去中心化金融服务。