Creating an NFT on EDU Chain - Part 1
What is an NFT? NFTs are unique digital assets stored on the blockchain, representing ownership of distinct items such as art, music, or collectibles. In Part 1 of the NFT course, we will learn the fundamentals of NFT contracts at a beginner-friendly level, including minting NFTs, querying NFTs by tokenId, and querying tokens by owner.
- For developers who are interested in learning about DeFi
- For developers who want to learn about the technical implementation of cryptocurrencies.
- A basic understanding of Solidity is recommended - at a minimum, you should be familiar with the content from the course Solidity101 to Solidity103.
- Writing projects in Solidity to implement the functions of minting and querying information on NFTs.
Building contract and defining variables
Start our NFT contract by build the contract and define variables.
Mint NFT - Section 1
Here, we will learn the initial steps of writing the mint NFT function, focusing on the function's structure and basic implementation.
Mint NFT - Section 2
In this section, we will learn to complete the mint NFT function, ensuring its proper functionality within our smart contract.
Here, we will learn to query the information of newly minted NFTs, an essential function for tracking and managing NFT assets.
This part will focus on learning how to retrieve all the NFTs owned by a given address.
Creating an NFT on EDU Chain - Part 1