
Implementing Secret Auctions on Telos

This course will guide you through implementing and deploying a simple secret auction contract on Telos. You will learn how to use Solidity to write data structures, implement auction process controls, and gain an in-depth understanding of key components including encrypted bidding.

Skill LevelBeginner
Total Length1.7h

Intended Learners

Who’s This Course For

  • Developers interested in blockchain and smart contracts.
  • Developers interested in Solidity programming.
  • Developers interested in Telos.


  • No CS background required – the course explains the code line by line to help beginners quickly grasp the concepts.
  • Basic understanding of Telos and Solidity .

What You’ll Learn

  • The complete process of a secret auction based on the Solidity language.


  • Unit 1 - Course Introduction

    In this chapter, you will learn about secret auction-related concepts and the overall course planning.

  • Unit 2 - Data Structure

    This section introduces how to define the basic data structure of a contract.

  • Unit 3 - Functions (1)

    This section introduces how to define the basic functional functions of the secret auction contract, such as the constructor for initializing the contract, the function for users to set bids, and the function for users to reveal bids.

  • Unit 4 - Functions(2)

    This section will continue to introduce the functions of the secret auction contract, such as setting the highest bid, withdrawing the bid, and ending the auction.

  • Unit 5 - Interaction

    In this unit, you will learn how to build and deploy applications.


Implementing Secret Auctions on Telos

44 lessons
Access on mobile and desktop