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suvijya arya
CL(Chenjie Lyu)
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Abhishek Yadav
Harsha Kumar
System Terminal is a UGC platform that combines 3D and AI, allowing users to create, share and monetize virtual environments and AR decorations with ease. By leveraging the data generated, we aim to train a powerful large generative model for 3D to drive down the cost of 3D content significantly. System Terminal 是一个结合 3D 和 AI 的用户生成内容平台,允许用户轻松创建、共享虚拟环境和 AR 装饰并从中获利。我们的目标是通过利用创造的数据训练一个强大的大型 3D 生成模型,以显着降低 3D 内容的成本。 我们还设计了一个新的合约,非同质化版权代币(NFCT),以促进与 3D 创作的协作关系。
Chataverse is an NFT-gated messaging app that enables NFT holders and creators to communicate, socialize, and govern transparently and crypto-natively. Aside from NFT's financial incentive, another main reason for a person to purchase an NFT is to access and engage in its community. While most of these communities are built on Discord, the platform itself has problems such as high vulnerability to being hacked and spammed, bombarded channels that can be irrelevant, and countless bots/plug-ins that are complicated. In order to tackle these problems, Chataverse provides the following solutions: - NFT-gated group chats to prevent scams and spam (100% holders). - Freedom to create and join topic-based messaging groups within an NFT community. (ex. Azuki @ San Francisco, Bored Ape Basketball Club). - Forum-style groups for large communities that allow NFT holders to post, comment, and react. - Built-in NFT community management tools that include voting, airdrops, and event proposals. - On-chain "Chataccount" that can aggregate a user's multiple wallets across multiple chains to avoid the inconvenience of switching between wallets. Chataverse是一个NFT-Gated的社交聊天软件。Web 3.0社区需要一个专门为其量身定制的NFT gated社交聊天应用,以便用户能够透明、安全地进行社交与共同治理。用户可以在Chataverse内建立自己的社区、聊天、及发布帖子,通过NFT持有验证的方式,使得NFT Holders与社区更加紧密地联系在一起。