Ensures on-campus safety with real-time location tracking, emergency alerts, and integration with campus security.
UniHaven- more like UniHeaven, makes your uni life smoootthh like butterr...!!
Dive into a dynamic platform that redefines how students, faculty, and administration connect and collaborate.
Empowering women with safety tools and accessible healthcare at their fingertips.
CraftNest is an online marketplace connecting artisans with a global audience to sell unique, handcrafted goods
Streamlining internship opportunities and simplifying academic resources for college students.
A centralized platform for easy and sorted mutual interaction between students and societies, as well as for management
Introducing a revolutionary budgeting Prototype called PennyPlan, master your money, one penny at a time.
Redesigned Orflax website with modern layout, improved functionality, enhanced pages, and better user experience.
A user-friendly website to avoid all the long lines and menu confusion at the college canteen.
Currency Care-helping students manage their finances, budgeting, keeping a track on scholarships, loans.
Orflax India - Leading the Flaxseed Revolution
suvijya arya
CL(Chenjie Lyu)
Abhishek Yadav
Harsha Kumar