suvijya arya
CL(Chenjie Lyu)
Abhishek Yadav
Harsha Kumar
Autochessia is a auto chess game like Dota2 auto chess, but built fully on chain, which means not only all states of game are read from and stored in blockchain storage, but also all processes related to game playing are implemented by smart contracts. Believing fully on-chain game would brings the next generation UGC paradigm, we make this game and try to make it extensible. During hackathon, to make this game possible on-chain, we implemented JPS(jump point search) in solidity, designed the game tick, and introduced VRF as true random. Autochessia 是一款自走棋游戏,但完全运行在区块链上,这意味着不仅所有的游戏状态都是从区块链存储中读取和存储的,而且所有与游戏相关的过程都是通过智能合约实现的。 我们相信全链游戏将带来下一代UGC模式,所以我们制作了这款游戏并尝试着让它具有可扩展性。 为了使该游戏能够在链上运行,我们在solidity中实现了JPS(jump point search),设计了游戏最小间隔,并引入了VRF作为真随机数。
This is a fully on-chain game that combines real-time strategy, looter, and dark forest survival elements. But we are not just play for fun, Emotions brought by AON are not just leisurely, but rather a range of emotions, such as fear, relief, and so on. For an individual player the game map Satosea is covered by the fog of war, and mimcHash is used to encrypt the coordinates. Various resources, artifacts and other players are hidden under the fog. Anyone is free to explore here. 游戏地图是一片被战争迷雾覆盖的 Satosea,使用 mimcHash 对坐标进行加密。迷雾下隐藏着各种资源、神器还有其他玩家。任何人都可以在Satosea 中自由探索。游戏使用 MUD 作为引擎,将 satosea 场景的信息存储在链上智能合约中。随着航行,玩家演算合约上对应参数,战争迷雾会被揭开。玩家使用 POW 算法挖掘地图上的资源,或捡取神器。资源将成为游戏内交易、质押的代币,而神器则可以强化各种游戏表现。所有人之间可以互相攻击,掠夺财产。玩家在执行动作,如挖掘资源或攻击时,会暂时向所有人暴露位置。因此需要隐匿自己的踪迹,获取别人的信息。这其中包含丰富的策略和玩法。
GasLockR uses a ZK coprocessor for historic gas prices, offering real-time, verified pricing models to hedge gas price volatility. As on-chain infra, it builds protocols and services for improved reliability and UX. Integrated with other wallets/services like Account Abstraction, it enables SLAs for users to rely on blockchain transactions. GasLockR's key services are gas insurance, offering a premium for future gas price protection, and gas fee subscription, enabling ERC20 token/fiat to subscribe to Dapps based on transaction count or period. GasLockR 使用 ZK 协处理器来获取历史 Gas 价格,提供实时和可验证的定价模型的衍生品来对冲 Gas 价格波动的风险。作为链上基础设施,它可以构建协议和服务,来提高区块链可靠性和用户体验等问题。我们提出 GasFi 一词,并把GasLockR 作为第一个免信任的 GasFi 衍生品协议。借助 GasLockR,其他钱包或服务如帐户抽象 (ERC-4337) 将能够为其用户提供 SLA,从而让用户和组织依赖区块链生态。基于 GasLockR,我们提供服务包括:可交易的 Gas保险,为未来 Gas 价格提供保费;以及 Gas Fee订阅,用户可以使用 ERC20 代币或法币,根据交易数量或时间周期订阅 Dapp 的交互操作。
"Non-Fungible Time," a transcendent web3 protocol that bestows upon each passing day the power of a time capsule. Step into a realm where time becomes a cherished vessel, ready to embrace the profound moments and treasured memories that weave the tapestry of our lives. Non-Fungible Time 是一个超越的 Web3 协议,赋予每一个过去的日子时间胶囊的力量。步入一个时间变成了珍贵的容器的领域,准备拥抱那些编织我们生活的深刻时刻和珍贵回忆。(by translation software)
Soulcial is a self-generated social metaverse driven by on-chain behavior and real-world data. Based on personality traits and accumulating SoulScore, users can co-create with AI and generate SoulCast NFT as personalized social assets. These SoulCasts can be collected, showcased and combined to build user's own soul-centric metaverse. It helps everyone connect with more soulmates and earn additional tokens. Soulcial 是一个基于链上行为与现实世界数据的自生成社交元宇宙。依托自研的社交活动评估模型,用户可以和 AI 共创个性化的社交资产,绑定自己的社交分数,并开展基于 AI 算法驱动的社交活动,进而构建独特的灵魂社交元宇宙。项目可以帮助用户在找到灵魂伙伴的同时不断积累自己的去中心化社交图谱。
Lumiterra is a multiplayer, open-world survival crafting game where you can battle, farm with your friends or mysterious collected creatures in a vast world! Lumiterra is more than a game We have placed defi users, gamefi users, players into a coexisting system, where each type of user can pursue their needs. Lumiterra 是一款多人在线、开放世界的冒险游戏,在这个广阔的世界中,你可以与不同玩家一起进行战斗,种植作物,捕捉怪物,打造不同装备与武器,探索新奇的事物! 同时 Lumiterra 不仅仅是一款好玩的游戏:过去区块链游戏把将不同类型的用户混合在一起,导致各种利益冲突以及 Ponzi 情况。我们创新的把 DeFi 用户、GameFi 用户(打金玩家)和游戏玩家置于一个共存的系统中,每种类型的用户都可以追求自己的需求,通过满足这些需求以及整体游戏中的商品经济机制,我们构建了一个整体上由三个增强飞轮组成的健康经济系统。
EquitySwap provides a new market cap growth model that enables projects always have good liquidity on price rises. It also reduces impermanent loss and trading slippage. For new projects: there is better liquidity even without external adding liquidity. For mainstream coins: impermanent loss is reduced to about one-tenth of Uniswap, users and market makers can get rising profits and 30%-100% annualized returns. Combined with the precise incentive and rebate mechanism, it can gradually replace CEX to achieve the full decentralization of trading. EquitySwap 首创了新的市值增长模型,让项目在价格上涨的过程中始终有较好的流动性,同时能降低无常损失和交易滑点。 对于新上线的项目:在无外界添加流动性的情况下,当项目市值上涨到十万亿美元时,仍然具有较好的流动性。 对于主流币:无偿损失降到 Uniswap 的十分之一左右,用户和做市商质押流动池既可享受到价格上涨的红利,又能享受到 30% - 100% 的年化收益。 新功能搭配精确的激励机制,可以逐步取代 CEX,实现交易的全面去中心化。
More DAOs and decentralized communities are emerging, but they are encountering organizational challenges such as defining community boundaries, recording members' contributions, assigning governance weights, and facilitating member mobility between communities. Solas solves these issues by creating a no-threshold badge sending, receiving, and displaying DApp. Anyone in Solas can represent themselves or the organization by issuing badges to others; badges can represent participation credentials, community roles, skill certifications, or contribution records. Because these badges are non-transferable, they serve as a member's reputation within and across communities. 越来越多的DAO和去中心化的社区在涌现,但是它们开始面临如何界定社区边界、记录成员贡献、分配治理权重、成员在社区间流动等组织问题。Solas 为了解决这些问题,设计一个无门槛的徽章收发和展示dapp。任何人都可以在solas中代表自己、或者代表组织,向其他人颁发徽章;徽章可以代表参与凭证、社区角色、技能认证或者贡献记录等。这些徽章不可转移,因此构成了成员在社区内和跨社区的声誉。通证化的声誉进而可以作为参与投票、门禁或财务授权的凭证。 Solas已经在多个社区测试,近期将进行多链部署,并通过网页端插件桥接web3项目与web2社交平台。
GhostNFT rental protocol is a non-ownership-transferred, collateral-free protocol. GhostNFT is compatible with NFT/SBT collections with any EIP standard. GhostNFT allows application team to deploy rental contract indicating any combination of application and NFT collection in a self-service, permissionless way. GhostNFT协议无需NFT资产转移和超额抵押,带来更好的安全性和资金效率,且支持任何标准的NFT/SBT的租赁。GhostNFT租赁市场支持应用方无许可的自助部署租赁合约,可以自行指定应用项目和NFT collection一对多和多对一的租赁组合。
Scale Protocol is positioned to provide users with clear and transparent dealmaking derivatives trading. The team developed a new DPF (Dealer Price Feeds) trading model, realizing a more concise and smooth trading process with high leverage and low fees. Combined with the intelligent algorithm model, Scale maximizes the utilization rate of the capital and provides traders with better trading depth. At the same time, the protocol aggregates multiple assets, including but not limited to cryptocurrency, foreign exchange, precious metals, commodities, etc., to help traders achieve various asset hedging, and reduce trading risks. The team is committed to continuous innovation and iteration of the on-chain derivatives trading, providing a better trading experience, attracting more traders to join the Web3 world, and enjoying fair and smooth decentralized financial services. Scale Protocol产品定位于为用户提供清晰透明的交易撮合的衍生品交易协议。团队独具创新开发的DPF交易模式,通过高杠杆低费率实现交易流程更加简洁顺畅,并结合智能算法模型,实现最大化资金的利用率,为交易者提供更为优秀的交易深度。同时平台聚合了丰富的资产标的,包括但不限于加密货币、外汇、贵金属、大宗商品等,帮助交易者实现各类资产对冲,降低交易风险。团队致力于在链上衍生品交易协议上持续创新迭代,提供更优质的交易体验, 吸引更多交易伙伴加入Web3的世界,畅享公平顺畅的去中心化金融服务。
Discoverse aims to build an SBT-based open social network. With the help of self-developed SBT protocol, it helps depict the multi-dimensional digital identity of each individual, forms an exclusive social identity data set, and enables everyone to generate their Metaverse passport. Based on the self-developed protocol, we launched an exemplary mobile application, which provides functions such as SBT distribution and receiving, soul friends recommendations. By reducing the understanding costs of Web2 users, we want to realize the capture and migration of massive off-chain data, including social relations and social identities. Discoverse旨在建立一个基于灵魂图谱的开放社交网络,依托自研的灵魂凭证协议,刻画每个个体的多维数字身份,形成专属社交身份数据集,让每个人拥有自己的元宇宙护照,并基于数字身份探索和挖掘社会节点间的连接价值,推动去中心化社会治理。项目在自研协议的基础上开发并上线了移动端示范应用,以接近Web2的体验提供了便捷的灵魂凭证收发、灵魂好友推荐等功能,通过降低Web2用户认知成本,实现社交关系、社会身份等海量链下数据的捕获和迁移。
Avault is a disruptive way to interact with an array of web3 Defi dApps. As the one-stop omnichain yield service platform on the market, Avault's users can use any asset on any chain supported by Avault to do Omni staking, Omni copy-trading, etc on one click, so they can forget about the unwieldy cross chain experience and focus on speed, usability and what truly matters in their trade. So far, Avault has collaborated with Layerzero, Stargate, Li.FI, and GMX to implement multiple features of omnichain services. At the same time, the product has been deployed in Astar, Arbitrum, Optimism, BNB chain, and Polygon network, and has realized omni-staking & compounding with full currency on the above networks. Avault 提供了顛覆以往 web3 Defi dApp 交互的方式。 作為市面上一站式的全鏈收益服務平台,Avault的用戶可以使用Avault支持的任意一條鏈上的任意資產,一鍵進行Omni Staking、Omni Copy-trading等操作,忘卻繁瑣的跨鏈體驗並專注於速度、可用性以及在他們的交易中真正重要的東西。 到目前為止,Avault 已經與 Layerzero、Stargate、Li.FI 和 GMX 合作,開發並實現了 Omnichain 服務的多項功能。 同時,產品已部署在Astar、Arbitrum、Optimism、BNB chain、Polygon network,並在上述網絡實現全幣種全鏈質押和複投。